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Initial Symptoms of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is a disease that progresses slowly and is very noticeable.
 However , early diagnosis and treatment of this type of cancer is very important.
 Be aware of the symptoms of colon cancer can be a good way to avoid the fatality of the disease with early treatment.

It is not easy to find if you have colon cancer .
 This is why doctors advice people over 50 have a colonoscopy .
 Although the results show negative signs for cancer, after ten years each recurring tests are also recommended.
 But if the results provide a possibility of cancer - even if the probability is low - the patient must undergo a colonoscopy every two years.

An early symptom of colon cancer that is often overlooked is the excess gas .
 If you feel bloated and your stomach tightens, literally , after eating, then this may be a sign of a tumor that grows inside your system and block the path of the waste in the body.
 They may also suffer from constipation due to obstruction and will eventually lead to constant stomach or abdominal pain. Diarrhea and dehydration can also occur due to changes in bowel habits .
 If your stools are abnormal for more than two weeks , and then this could be a sign of colon cancer.
The pain may be accompanied by swelling.

Bloody stools may be a sign of colon cancer.
 However, this symptom can also mean other health problems such as urinary tract infection or anal fissures . Blood in the stool should not be taken into account, because it often leads to more complicated diseases if not consult a doctor immediately.

Another sign of colon cancer is anemia.

 The type of cancer closely related anemia bleeding or excessive bleeding.
 The bleeding can be a side effect of past or current medications , but if you suddenly acquired the disease, you may be advised to undergo a series of checks to ensure that you have no other condition .

You can also find your weight suddenly decrease, even if you make no effort in the diet.
 In addition, you will start to lose their appetite and feel nauseous usually after a meal.
These symptoms are similar to other less harmful diseases, but if they continue after 24 hours or after treatment, you should now find a wider diagnosis.

Diagnosis of colon cancer often include a stool test - both blood in the stool and the stool DNA test , sigmoid - examination of just the lower part of the colon , and colonoscopy - examination of all colon . Colonoscopy is the most recommended and most accurate of the three diagnosis.
This method uses a thin tube with a camera on the end.

 The tube is inserted through the rectum and the camera captures the internal aspect of the colon as possible to detect the tumor growth and other irregularities .

 These diagnostic procedures have increased the survival rights of people with cancer -inflicted , but you may not be able to help once the cancer has progressed to a higher stage .

 Diagnosis is brutal after all treatment abruptly . So if you experience any of these early symptoms of colon cancer , it is best to see a doctor now .

Colorectal Cancer Symptoms and Treatments

Cancer that begins in the colon is called colon and cancer , which begins in the rectum is rectal cancer . Cancers affecting either of these organs may also be called colorectal cancer.
 This is a disease (cancer) , malignant cells form in the tissues of the colon first .
 The colorectal cancer occurs in the rectum or large intestine .
This type of cancer occurs when abnormal cells grow on the inner walls of the colon and rectum .
 These abnormal cells are typically present as polyps .
 The polyps develop as a projection of the wall tissue of the colon , remains connected to the colon wall of a thin rod . Its shape is similar to that of a mushroom .
 Polyps are very common, especially among the elderly.
 The vast majority of polyps are not cancerous .
 However, some polyps may become cancerous.
 Unchecked , cancerous polyps results in a tumor growing in size until it penetrates the intestinal wall and involves the adjacent organs and the lymph nodes through the process of metastasis .


Generally , colorectal cancers tend to grow slowly , gradually increased and finally penetrate the wall of the intestine. When they do spread , usually by the invasion of nearby lymph nodes .
 On the right side of the store near the colon , cancers usually develop in the space inside the colon .

 They can become large enough to be painful and may cause bleeding. In these cases, the anemia of chronic blood loss is often the first sign and the reason for stool test for occult or hidden blood is important.

Most polyps and cancers appear on the left side of the colon . In the left or down , where the channel is narrow colon cancer tends to grow around the colon wall and surrounds .
 Cancer left normally constricts the intestinal canal , causing partial obstruction.


Symptoms may include :

• Diarrhea , constipation , vomiting, fatigue.
• Go to the bathroom more often.
• A feeling that the bowel does not empty properly after a bowel movement .
• Pain and swelling of the abdomen.
• Blood in the stool.
• Unexplained weight loss .
• A lump in the abdomen.
• unexplained iron deficiency in men or in women after menopause.


• alcohol.
• Polyps .
• diabetes.
• The age and sex.
• high cholesterol diet .
• Inflammatory bowel disease (BD ) .
• Genetics .
• Lack of exercise .
• Smoking .
• obesity.
• Many adenoma polyps develop in the colon , ultimately leading to cancer.
• A family history of cancer.
• The effects of the drug.


Someone is diagnosed with colorectal cancer as follows :

• It is in a test routine .
• The symptoms lead a person to the doctor and tests to find the cause of symptoms indicate colorectal cancer.


These treatments may include, alone or in combinations :

• Surgery - Surgery options include:

A . Intestinal resection : This operation involves cutting into the abdomen to reach the area of the colon or rectum that is affected by cancer. The surgeon cuts the cancer and parts of the colon or rectum that are next to him . Then , the two healthy ends of the colon or rectum are sewn.

Two . Liver Resection : In this operation, the surgeon cuts the cancer has spread to parts of the liver and liver which are cut near the cancer .
 Up to half of your liver can always be eliminated and the rest is in good health.

 If liver cancer is too large to be removed through surgery , you may be given chemotherapy to shrink the tumor . If the tumor is small enough back , it can be removed by surgery .

Three . Lung , adrenal or ovarian resection , depending on where the cancer has spread .
If the cancer has returned to the intestines , the greater the colon or rectum may need to be removed.

• Chemotherapy: -

The chemotherapy may be recommended before surgery in some cases , even though limited to liver metastatic disease appears.
 Chemotherapy after surgery can prolong survival for people whose cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes .
 The way the chemotherapy is given depends on the type and stage of the cancer being treated .
 If surgical removal of liver metastases is successful , additional chemotherapy is usually recommended after surgery.

• Radiation therapy: -

Radiotherapy is not commonly used in this type of cancer because it could lead to radiation enteritis , and it is difficult to target specific positions of the colon.
 It is more common to use radiation in the rectal cancer, since the rectum will not move as far as the colon, and is therefore easier to target.
 If the treatment is administered prior to surgery , radiation therapy can reduce the size of the tumor.
 This can improve the chances that the tumor was successfully removed .

 Radiation before surgery also appears to reduce the risk of recurrence of cancer after treatment.

• Targeted therapy : - Therapy is a type of treatment that uses drugs or other substances to identify and attack specific cancer cells without harming normal cells are used . A monoclonal antibody therapy is a form of targeted therapy used in the treatment thereof .

• Muncher: This treatment improves the body's immune system and increases the probability that cancer cells are killed .

• Monoclonal antibodies : - These antibodies are proteins produced in the laboratory that can identify a cancer cell to kill or inhibit tumor cells from dividing.

• Gene therapy : - This therapy is to modify the genetic material. Preferably a new gene is introduced to improve the ability of the body to kill cancer cells or a gene is delivered directly to the cancer cells , causing them to fall .

 Getting the right gene into the cells in the body is a major challenge.
 The treatment is still experimental and in its early stages of development.

Cancer of the colon and rectum is common.

 The risk of developing colorectal cancer in patients with ulcerative colitis seems to depend on the duration of disease , severity of disease history , family .
 More importantly, patients should be informed of the risk of developing colorectal cancer.
 Recent advances have guidelines for colorectal cancer screening to be refined .

 They also suggested to improve the quality and the implementation of testing tools . Reduces both the occurrence of colorectal cancer and mortality have occurred and are considered to be attributable to the efforts of detection.

How to Know If You Have Colorectal Cancer

Colon cancer is a serious disease characterized by abnormal cell growth in the colon, creating a cancerous tumor
. This type of disease is third on the list of the most common forms of cancer and are often more common in people over 50 years, but can occur in patients of any age.

Cancers of the colon or rectum , are very easy to handle when it is diagnosed in the early stages of the disease.
 However , many people are often not diagnosed at the first symptoms are not always recognized and , when they are, people are a little reluctant to discuss the details of your symptoms with a doctor.

Symptoms include :

Abdominal pain , bloating or discomfort
Blood in stool
Long, loose stools ( often described as a pencil - like )
Unintentional weight loss
Loss of appetite
Changes in bowel habits ( rectal bleeding , diarrhea, constipation or a feeling of inability to completely empty the bowel) .
Each year , there are approximately 150,000 new cases of this disease.
 There is no identifiable cause for this , but the following are some factors that may increase the risk of developing :

Sex (men and women are equally likely to develop the disease.
 However, men tend to develop rectal version slightly higher rate , while women are more likely to the variety of points)
Age ( The disease can develop at any age , but the chances are increased in people older than 50 . )
Poor diet
family history
Personal history.
People with a family history of colorectal cancer are somewhat more likely to develop .
 If more than one family member has been diagnosed with the problem , the risk is even greater.
 In addition, diets high in calories and fat and low fiber materials in addition to an increased risk of developing the disorder .
 Anyone over 50 should undergo regular screening for the disorder , but anyone in one of the risk groups above should start earlier .

Screening usually involves an annual rectal examination , including stool samples.
 Some tests may require a scope that is inserted into the rectum to view the entire intestine .
 If there is no need to worry or further examination of the colon tissue , a biopsy may be ordered for further analysis .
 If cancer is found , other tests such as ultrasound , CT scan or x-ray would be conducted to determine if it has spread to other areas . Of particular concern is the liver because it is one of the more likely that this disease is spreading dangerous places .

Because the risk can be reduced by a diet rich in fiber, proper weight management (including exercise) and do not smoke, it is strongly recommended that people opt for healthy lifestyles and reduce your chances develop this type of life-threatening illness , and others as much as possible.

Anyone who has experienced some of the symptoms mentioned above, or you are in one of the groups of disease risk are advised to consult the test as soon as possible because the colorectal cancer responds very well to treatment in early stages .

The Herbal Alternative Colon Cleansing

 Colon cleansing , although very popular, is often overlooked by many because of the perception that it is quite unpleasant.

 If this is your view, then perhaps you could consider alternative methods, less invasive to cleanse your colon .

 One is a method that uses a herbal treatment . Colon cleansing herbal and is a popular choice because of its simple method of reducing side effects. 

Most herbs found in this treatment can be taken in tea form , which makes the experience much more enjoyable .

 There are many variants of the proposed combinations of plants by different persons . The best known are listed below , with a reason for its use.

 Studying this information, you should be able to make an informed decision on the grass or a mixture which is good for you and take the right amount . 

Senna, covering many categories of plants and their derivatives, occurs frequently in the treatment of herbal cleansing for the colon .

 By stimulating the bowel , Senna is used to help constipation , resulting in continued movement of fluid .

 Often considered in the same line as the Aloe is considered as a purgative , but is used more loosely to narrow limits of Aloe . 

Cascara subdivided Buck berry , and recognized by different names, use as a laxative with a certain power .

 Aloe has similarities in its limited use and when used too often , has a history of causing some pain in the abdominal area .

 It is often included in many products used in colon cleansing , but when it takes you should be careful when using . 

Are you curious about a plant that is recognized and less risk. Well, Ginger is the grass that overcomes most lists .

 Where many laxatives cause diarrhea , ginger can help fight against it .

 It is also one of the few safe remedies for nausea in pregnant women , and presents the overall benefits to the prevention or reduction of inflammation , diabetes and many other symptoms and conditions.

 It also has the advantage of being safe for pregnant women in healing nausea and is beneficial in preventing joint inflammation , diabetes .

 Many other situations can be relieved with ginger .
 It is really easy to include in your daily diet, especially if you love Asian food . 

An ingredient that is clearly visible in the herbal mixtures used in colon cleansing is the cayenne pepper. When present in mixtures , it is difficult to ignore this spicy addition. 
It has many positive aspects if you are able to bear it.
 This helps your body to cleanse itself at a faster rate than normal , as it makes you sweat , which accelerates blood circulation . 

There are a number of additional plants used in various products , but in most mixtures normally found these four herbs.

 Try mixing in their diet plans or take medicine. It is also possible to include them separately .
 The important thing is to make sure that you treat your body with the method that suits you best. The body must be free of toxins , but to administer treatment.

Colon Cancer Signs, Methods of Treatment

According to recent data, more than 145,000 people are diagnosed with symptoms of colon cancer each year.

 Colorectal is a cancerous disease that affects the digestive organs and rectum.
 Primary digestive systems of the body is composed of a large intestinal tract and colon.

Therefore , the name colorectal .
 Combination of these two bodies are responsible for food digestion and extraction of minerals and vitamins to the bloodstream where it is distributed to other parts of the body to promote nutritional health.

The symptoms include a wide variety of signals that indicate problems can be developed.
 Early detection plays an important role in helping to overcome.

 Symptoms may include pain in the abdominal area , loss of appetite , blood in the stool , feeling of weakness and fatigue, persistent diarrhea, or prolonged constipation.

Although these symptoms are not all-inclusive , if the person has chronic these signs, you should consult your doctor for further examination.
 The signs may be an indication of something completely different, something less serious , but nonetheless, should be treated.

Doctors use different methods for the diagnosis of colon cancer or colorectal cancer. The selection process involves a series of tests to evaluate this condition.

 The first and most common is a rectal exam in which a doctor inserts a finger into the rectum to feel for lumps or growths .
 This is usually followed by a test wherein stool were collected and tested for abnormal stool samples.

If abnormalities are detected, a more advanced method can be used as the use of digital imaging that uses a variety of technological devices to see inside the body .

 It may include MRI , CT , colonoscopy , and even ultrasound. A biopsy may be necessary once the results are confirmed anomalies.

The treatment can be annoying or intrusive as the treatment plan designed for your medical treatment.

The stage colorectal cancer largely determines the modes of treatment of cancer of the colon. Surgery is the most common treatment .

 Here are the relevant sections of the intestine are simply removed .

 Depending on the size of a section is removed will determine if the patient should have a Tolstoy - where a stoma and wastes produced by the body is inserted is transmitted through a bag and discarded.

Non - invasive methods may include radiation therapy, chemotherapy , immunoassay or Electrovalent .

 Each can be discussed with your doctor and everyone can have their own side effects. Prescription drugs can take to help relieve pain after surgery .

 Use the resources on the website to find information on the prevention , images, understand the stages of cancer of the colon, rectum cancers ( colon cancer) , and find alternative treatments.

Natural Treatment for Colon Spasms

Spasms of the colon, which is medically known as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS ) is characterized by a huge pain in the abdominal area.

Although , in reality, there is no known cause of the disease, 1 in 5 Americans suffer form this condition. The problem is primarily in the irregularities of the bowel movement in the colon causing bloating , abdominal crams , diarrhea and constipation .

This, however, is not considered a serious disease as they are known to fade with every little medical procedure. Although this is the case, it is still a problem and really debilitating for the person suffering from it .

Studies show that IBS can be triggered by factors such as stress , emotions, hormonal changes, and those whose immune system is weakened. Unfortunately , these factors are all around us ... We therefore making them susceptible to irritable bowel syndrome . Those who are frequently exposed to these factors may be at greater risk of developing this condition.

What are the natural remedies available ?

There are natural remedies and food known that can be applied if you suffer from this type of intestinal pain . These have long been tested, proved safe and effective pain relief early ... or totally prevent them from reproducing.

The next time you think that you or a family member suffers from irritable bowel syndrome or colon spasms , these tips can help solve the problem :

The peppermint oil - one of the oldest and most widely used home remedies for IBS is the use of peppermint oil . They give relief by limiting the amount of calcium absorbed through the colon and reduces significantly muscle contractions in the stomach . It can be taken in the form of peppermint oil capsules and taking each meal for maximum effects. When soaked dried mint tea will also give immediate relief for intestinal spasms.

Grapefruit seed extract - can help relieve symptoms such as constipation and bloating.

Dietary fiber - a gradually increasing intake of dietary fiber that will "clean up" the best colon . Whole grains , green vegetables , fruits and other fiber-rich foods play an important role in the management of IBS.

Flaxseed - a tea made from 1 teaspoon of flaxseed in a cup of warm water before bedtime will give soothing relief and that the dream is easy.

The most important natural resource ...

Another natural remedy , and more importantly , for IBS involves a greater consumption of water.

Because constipation is mainly due to low water levels in the colon and diarrhea could possibly lead to dehydration , so there is a need for more water. It is also advisable to stay away from spicy foods and diet of pure meat as much as possible , both to relieve pain and prevent colon spasms in general.

Exercise and a gluten-free diet can also help relieve this type of intestinal pain and a healthy lifestyle . Now that you know , put this information to good use and help you or others.

Several causes of colon cancer

Colon cancer had the advantage of several advanced research in recent years, especially when it comes to identify some things that can be the cause or a contributing factor to cause cancer.

 The bad news is that there are several causes of colon cancer that a large percentage of the population can check the list because it puts them in danger.

 Knowing that it can be very important in changing the way you eat and live better protected to continue unhealthy lifestyle factor .

 Also , knowing what to look for when it comes to colon cancer can also be a determining factor in the ability to get an early diagnosis , or even go to a doctor first and foremost a patient.

Some of the main causes of cancer are objects that have no control over and just watch , such as age. Age is the highest causes of colon cancer , with age and risk of developing colon cancer increases .

 This is partly due to the likelihood of developing polyps is greater ,

 but also because some of the nutrition and lifestyle as you do on a daily basis have more effect on you and your overall health you go time .

 Other factors that can determine whether you are at increased risk of colon cancer , but not the style of life are sex , genetics and family history .

 If your family has a history   colon cancer, you may want a little more vigilant to avoid some of the known causes and get regular checkups.

With regard to lifestyle choices that cause cancer , there are several .

 Two main patterns that can be cut with a little work and dedication tobacco and alcohol.

 Both smoking and cancer have been the subject of much research that has gone into the study of colorectal cancer and found that when consumption depends on how much an individual consumes , how often they eat and the type of alcohol they consume.

 For smokers , smoking in general is not good for those who are at risk of developing colon cancer and a lot of it has to do with the research that has shown that deposition of carcinogens in smoke colon and increase the size of the polyp .

These examples are some of the main causes of cancer, and even if some are not able to be helped, the latter two cases can be treated if a patient wants to reduce this risk.

 It is usually a good idea to get an annual colonoscopy to determine if you are at risk of developing cancer , but certain important to monitor symptoms include fatigue, anemia and weight loss.

 Bleeding in the stool is also an important indicator and a test for occult blood in the stool can be given to determine whether this is due.

Herbal Colon Cleansing

 If you have not heard of colonic irrigation or colon hydrotherapy now chances are you've been hibernating for the last two years.

 Cleansing your colon has become the " in " thing to do , man or woman, young or old.

 Previously the domain of celebrities such as Princess Diana , walk in clinic, hospital or an international spa and more likely you are to be achieved ads benefits of detox your body defend itself by colon cleansing . 

However, some people do not like the idea of weeding lying on a table with a tube in his back , very effective and can be fashionable ! Although I am not questioning the benefits of colonic irrigation , coffee enemas and others are not for everyone ! 

What are the alternatives? 

A few years ago , while flipping through a magazine of women's health , an illustration of two typical point ( someone of a European standard diet ) was enough to pack to the pharmacy to check their range of colon cleansing. Here , I found shelves filled with a variety of supplements and natural herbal who profess to do the job. 

The use of an herbal supplement colon cleanse is both easy to implement and maintain , not to mention much more convenient than regular in a clinic for colon irrigation trips although you do it yourself kits are already available.  

 There is also a wide range of plants to choose from these days are easily accessible from the main street dealers and online.

 Because usually , there are no harmful side effects that are also very safe , provided , of course, the label instructions are followed.

 However, just as a precaution , if you are taking prescription or nonprescription drugs worth asking your doctor about possible complications, and certain medications may not mix well with some supplements . 

Why should I clean my colon ? 

Anyone with a lifestyle or years of eating a typical Western diet low in fiber stressful , high in fat , sugar products , white flour , fried foods and microwave is likely to have a significant accumulation document toxic waste in the colon.

 These schemes reduce the effectiveness of our colon , and therefore our waste harden and clog our digestive system. 

Our feet are what we eat and separated from our food digested and released into our bloodstream usable products.

 All waste must then be quickly removed , but the problem arises when toxins and bacteria accumulate points through two slow or blocked , causing it to seep back into our body , poisoning our system.

 In short , the more toxins in our body, the more likely to develop the disease.

 Constipation , IBS , bad skin , fatigue , joint pain and gain unwanted weight could be all possible symptoms of a clogged colon . 

Like cleaning your colon is hype today, many of us have heard horror stories of how much and how heavy these wastes can accumulate. Which is often considered a "belly" or " spare wheel " might actually be a distended colon of accumulated years of toxic waste. 

This is why some people after a successful colon cleanse not only feel much healthier , but often lose a considerable amount of weight ! 

Herbal Colon Cleansing 

There are many colon cleansing herbal available on the market while all commercial supplements containing herbs say essentially the same work that is worth doing some research to find out which ones are right for you.

 It is important to educate and perhaps see a doctor because it is useful to note that what works for one person may not work as well for you.

 Depending on your budget and own particular lifestyle and diet , formulas herbal are more practical than others. For example, if your diet is low in fiber, you can benefit from taking a supplement Phyllis to provide the fiber you need . 

Phyllis is a natural cleaning agent widely used and very effective due to its high fiber content . Acts as a lubricant for the colon , allowing waste to pass through unobstructed .

 Very strong in the intestines cooperative Phyllis adds bulk to waste matter and helps maintain regular bowel movements.

 It can also relieve hunger and alleviate symptoms such as chronic diarrhea and colitis. Slim can drink tea , water or milk , it is also a common component of herbal supplements . 

Linseed or flax cleanse the colon and promote good health in general, cleansing the liver . Aids digestion and becomes a soft gel that helps move materials in the intestine. 
Elmo helps normalize the stool in the colon and softens dry waste buildup .

 It helps in constipation and diarrhea and soothes the inflammation of the stomach. 
Dandelion is another excellent natural plant that cleans both the colon and the liver. 
Licorice root is also a popular ingredient in pills and supplements mixture , a natural detoxified that acts as a laxative. 

Some colon cleansing herbs you choose, be patient.

 It can take days, weeks or even months before you reap the benefits of ridding your body of your unwanted waste.

 While the body of a person can respond quickly to the other may be longer .

 All herbal formulas should be used sparingly to avoid dehydration too many bowel movements and it is important not to exceed the dose on the label. 

Supplements made of natural herbs provide a simple and natural alternative to colonic irrigation . A little research and experimentation is needed to see what works best for you, but they can easily be incorporated into your diet.

 When embarking on a diet colon cleansing should feel a significant improvement in their overall health and well-being, and start removing toxic toxic waste from your body .

Colon cancer the same symptoms

Colon cancer often present the same symptoms as the other conditions of the colon.

 Crohn's disease , irritable bowel syndrome , ulcerative colitis, diverticulosis , and peptic ulcer have the same symptoms of colon cancer : red or dark blood in stool, change in bowel habits, narrow stools, diarrhea or constipation , unexplained weight loss , abdominal pain , cramps , bloating and anemia .

 To better observe their symptoms, it is important to read about other diseases of the colon .

The disease may be present for many years before symptoms of colon cancer , even show .

 Therefore, the best thing to do to look out for colon cancer is to undergo regular examinations , preferably those involving blood and stool colonoscopy.

Symptoms of colon cancer vary depending on where the tumor is located .

 Because the right colon is spacious , tumors in the right colon can grow to large sizes before they cause symptoms of colon cancer .

 Since tumors tend to bleed , cancers of the right colon causing iron deficiency anemia due to slow blood loss unnoticed for a long period of time.

 It is even more noticeable because the stool moves through the colon , if there is blood in the stool dry and even become invisible. Iron deficiency anemia , in turn , results in fatigue , shortness of breath , weakness, and for patients.

In addition, the left colon is narrower than the right colon. Cancer of the left colon is more likely to cause partial or complete bowel obstruction .

 This type of cancer causes the following symptoms of colon cancer : diarrhea , constipation, narrow stools , abdominal pain , cramps and bloating.

 If there is bright red blood in the stool, it can also mean that it is a cancerous tumor at the end of the colon or rectum left.

Go see your doctor if any of the following symptoms of colon cancer mentioned above. But do not worry. As mentioned earlier, some of the symptoms can be a sign of another disease of the colon completely. For example, while blood in the stool can be a symptom of colon cancer , you can also come from hemorrhoids or minor cracks in your anus.

 If you are constipated as a result of not drinking enough water and not get enough fiber , hard stools can scratch the rectal wall .

In addition , certain foods, such as beets and red licorice can cause stool to turn red, while iron supplements and some anti diarrhea often black stools .

 However, it is always a good idea to consult your doctor at the first sign of blood or other changes in the stool and defecation.

 After all , early detection based on the symptoms of colon cancer usually result in complete cures.

Here is a list of the main symptoms of colon cancer is shown. It will not hurt to see your doctor as soon as you feel two or more of the following:

* Important change in your stool , if you move your bowels more or less

Blood in stool , bright red or dry

* Stools that are thinner than normal

* Unexplained weight loss dramatic

* Stomach pain, cramping or bloating

* Unexplained

* Always feel the urge to defecate

* Nausea and vomiting constant

* The iron deficiency anemia

Abdominal pain, which is a rare symptom of colon cancer, and can be displayed as a simple sensation in the abdomen.

Colon Cancer Causes and Prevention

 If it is very difficult to cure colon cancer , is quite contrary to prevent it

. In fact , the majority of cancers of the colon and rectum can be avoided by routine physical examination ( examination or inspection ) , healthy lifestyle ( healthy diet , regular colon cleansing , exercise, etc. ) and chemo prevention. 
Annual health checks are recommended to help detect health problems in their early stages -
 Annual Review .

 The medical examination is soon the best method of prevention for the life of bowel cancer . Colon cancer tends to develop in polyps.

 Most polyps no symptoms in the early stages , which is not usually found at screening for colon cancer ( digital rectal examination , flexible sigmoid , barium enema , colonoscopy or virtual colonoscopy ) are present. Be present microscopically , benign colon polyps tend to change over time in colon cancer.
 These abnormalities can be detected early and removed during a colonoscopy ( a visual examination of the large colon examination and the distal part of the small intestine ) to avoid complications.

 It is estimated that this procedure could be reduced by 80 % the risk of bowel cancer when these tests start at around 45 , then every 5 or 10 years. 
Diet and lifestyle - no doubt that your lifestyle can increase the risk of cancer. 

The incidence of colorectal cancer ( colon cancer or large bowel cancer ) is very common in places where people practice the following : physical inactivity , excessive calorie intake (especially saturated fat protein and sugar ) , abuse of alcohol, consumption of a diet rich in red meat, sausages and hot dogs.

 In contrast, physical activity and eating a diet rich in fruits and Calciferous vegetables (broccoli , cauliflower , Brussels sprouts , kale, cabbage, watercress , Chinese cabbage, etc. ) containing antioxidant micronutrients can reduce risk of cancer or its recurrence.

 In fact , these foods can be used as preventive and curative methods , a diet consisting mainly of fruits, Calciferous vegetables and fish can reduce the risk , or to treat certain types of bowel cancer in their genesis. 
Chemo prevention - this method involves the use of natural or synthetic substances to avoid , cancel or delay the development of cancer cells.

 Trace elements such as iron , cobalt , chromium , copper , iodine , manganese, selenium, zinc and molybdenum, as well as other nutrients such as calcium , folic acid ( vitamin B) , and certain medications like aspirin can inhibit carcinogens in some studies in animals.

 Other studies show significant inhibition of spontaneous intestinal polyps in mice and rats. 
Other substances used in chemo prevention include cycloid- 2 ( selective COX - 2 ) , a form of nontropical anti -inflammatory drug (UNSAID ) which is sent directly to the COX-2 enzyme responsible for inflammation and peptic ulceration .

 When it comes to your health , prevention is always better than treatment , which does not always lead to healing, take the first step today to prevent colon cancer ,   

In Stool Or Blood In StooL Colon Cancer Symptoms

The symptoms of colon cancer can not be present in many cases .

 However , if symptoms which may include a variety of changes in stool habits or stools (e.g. , diarrhea , constipation ) are observed .

 Colon cancer also known as colorectal cancer is a malignant tumor growth is in a large intestine , which is a common site of cancer tumor ( cancer ) . 

Symptoms and Causes of Colon Cancer 
In many cases of colon cancer will be no obvious symptoms at the early stages of the disease. Later symptoms may develop, such as: 
, Bloody or black tarry stools 
Pain and abdominal cramps 
Diarrhea or constipation or narrow stools 
Unexplained weight loss 
Most cases begin as ( non-cancerous) benign polyps , which slowly become cancerous.

 The cause of the colon ( or colorectal ) is not well understood, but risk factors include over 60 , a diet low in fiber and high in fat and red meat, being of European or American origin of East Africa , an earlier diagnosis of cancer in the body or colorectal polyps Moreover, the presence of an inflammatory bowel disease ( Leg Cohn's disease or ulcerative colitis ) , a family history of colon cancer, smoke cigarettes and drinking alcohol . 
Colon cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States .

 However, a full recovery is often possible early diagnosis . 
Colon diagnosis and treatment of cancer 
Observing these symptoms can lead to a diagnosis, but the disease is often detected by a routine physical examination .

 Early detection kits may be available for people at high risk, which can detect blood in the stool (available in most pharmacies) . 
If the symptoms , physical examination , sigmoid , colonoscopy, or barium meal in the large intestine may be performed to establish a definitive diagnosis.

 Blood tests may be done to check for anemia and occult blood test (FOB ) may be ordered to detect small amounts of blood in the stool, which may indicate colon cancer . 
Treatment will depend on how much the cancer has progressed and whether it has spread to other areas of the body.

 Surgery to remove cancer cells often performed . Surgery may result in a need for a Tolstoy , which is a deviation of the intestine through an opening in the abdominal wall.

 Chemotherapy and radiation therapy may be prescribed and destroy cancerous tissue . 
The prognosis improves with early detection and treatment. 
Play an active role in your health to learn more about colon cancer 
You can learn more about this condition and use a free tool that walks you through your symptoms and leads to a diagnosis online.

 Prepare yourself before visiting your doctor and figure out what your symptoms mean using this tool in medical diagnosis of symptoms. 

Types of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in the U.S. population .

 Although inappropriate diet and unhealthy lifestyle considerably increase the risk of developing colon cancer , many forms of the disease occur in the premises of underlying genetic predisposition. Statistics show that more than 5 percent of colon cancers worldwide are caused only by genetic dysfunction and physiological abnormalities .

 Depending on the underlying cause , colon cancers are directly accessible ( sporadic colon cancers ) , or genetically inherited. 

Most cases of colon cancer will occur due to the polyp formation in various regions of the large intestine ( colon ) .

 Colon polyps are important soft tissues can easily become malignant.

 There are many different types of hereditary colon cancer , and many of them are caused primarily by polyps in the colon.

 The most common types of hereditary colon cancer - are the adenoma polyps and Gardner's syndrome .

 Napoleons colon cancer is common among hereditary forms of the disease.

 Unlike other types of cancers genetically inherited colon - colon cancer non - polyps does not always imply the formation of polyps. Rare forms of hereditary colon cancer are Pet- Edgers syndrome and juvenile polyps. 
Unlike non- hereditary forms of colon cancer , which are usually developed by people whose age over 50 years, hereditary colon cancer can also occur in young people.

 In fact, some forms of hereditary colon cancer - mainly developed for very young children and adolescents. 
People who have a family history of colon cancer should periodically visit to an oncologist , because it is very important to reveal the signs of large bowel time to maximize the chances of cure disease.

 Discovered in its early stages, colon cancer can be overcome effectively by surgery or treatments .

 However, if colon cancer is discovered late , the prognosis for patients is generally uncertain. 
Colonoscopy is a common and reliable method to reveal traces of patients with colon cancer.
 By means of colonoscopy , doctors can quickly detect any signs of abnormalities in the large intestine .

 Colonoscopy is very useful in the diagnostic process hereditary or sporadic forms of colon cancer , because it can easily detect the presence of colon polyps or malignancies extended .

 People who have blood - relatives affected by colorectal cancer are likely to develop the disease as well . Therefore, they must undergo frequent colonoscopy examinations to find time signals at the malignant bowel activity. 
Both acquired (sporadic ) and hereditary colon cancer are life threatening disease and we must find as quickly as possible to minimize the risk of disease.

 Colon cancers have an unpredictable pattern of evolution and development is strongly influenced by inherited genetic defects.

 Although improvements in lifestyle and a healthy diet can reduce the risk of developing sporadic colon cancer , people with underlying physiological abnormalities of the large intestine are very vulnerable to the development of hereditary colon cancer regardless of their actions.

Avoid Colon Cancer

Before answering the question, " Is colon cleansing help prevent colon cancer ? " We must first understand what causes cancer.

 Cancer does not occur by itself , but when a particular region in the body is irritated on a regular basis for a couple of years , which causes cancer.

 This is perhaps the easiest of this disease take life explanation.

 Smoking does not cause cancer itself.
 This is the typical dry cough chain smoker that causes throat cancer because of the irritation caused by coughing . 

Similarly, colon cancer is caused when applying additional pressure to eliminate waste from our body.

 Several reasons stool hardens due to the non - functioning of the colon .

 Now , when we apply extreme pressure during defecation , the hard fecal waste rubs against the flexible walls of the colon, thereby breaking .

 If this continues for several months , which causes colon cancer . You must ensure that your stools are soft and you do not have to struggle while in the bathroom. 

Although laxatives can help loosen the stool , which provide only temporary relief .

 And frankly , laxatives loosen the stool by the prohibition of the large intestine to absorb water in them.
 They are not a cure for colon related problems 

The best option for you would be to find online stores reputable and get drugs for colon cleansing which also contains slim husk.