Colon Cancer Symptoms

Symptoms of colon cancer usually do not appear until the disease becomes more advanced.
 At this time , surgery to remove a portion of the colon may be necessary .
 It is therefore essential to be screened for colon cancer , particularly for those aged over 50 years .
The diagnosis of colon cancer
If you experience symptoms of colon cancer appear, it is a good idea to be examined by a doctor .
The symptoms of colon cancer mimic symptoms of other bowel diseases, including hemorrhoids , inflammatory bowel disease (BD ) , intestinal infection and Cohn's disease .

Your doctor will take a complete medical history if you do not already have one, and give you a complete physical examination .
 Part of the review is to feel abdominal organs and enlarged masses.

 It will also examine the rest of the body.

 The doctor will perform a digital rectal exam in which a gloved and lubricated finger inserted into the rectum to feel for abnormal areas.

If the doctor finds something suspicious, it may order blood tests for colorectal cancer. In blood tests , the doctor to look for abnormalities in blood count .

 This test shows if you have anemia, a lack of red blood cells. Colon cancer can cause anemia in some people due to bleeding from the tumor.

 The doctor will also check the blood for liver function to see if the cancer has spread to the liver.
Other tests to determine if you have polyps or colorectal cancer include one or more of the following:
Sigmoid ( colonoscopy )

Colonoscopy is a common test for colon cancer is usually done while the patient is sedated .
 A small camera is inserted into the rectum and guided through the colon polyps .

 If polyps are found, the doctor may remove it to perform biopsies.

Signs of colon cancer ( and other problems in the colon ) are :

A significant change in bowel habits (narrowing of the stool , diarrhea or constipation that lasts more than two weeks)

The feeling that you need to have a bowel movement even after you've had a bowel movement
Rectal bleeding , blood in the stool or black
Weakness and fatigue
If detected early , minor surgery and chemotherapy for colon cancer are generally sufficient to eliminate tumors .

 Today's doctors are doing everything possible to ensure that the patient has normal bowel function after treatment.

 Surgical removal of part of the colon is generally recommended that when the cancer is advanced .


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