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malignant tumors

This occurs when abnormal cells grow in the colon or rectum.
 These cells grow together and form tumors.
 With 655,000 deaths worldwide per year, is the third most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in the Western world.
 When detected early, so it is easy to treat and often cured.
 But generally not detected in time and that is why it is so high on the list.
Pretty simple screening tests can prevent this disease, but less than half of people over 50 are selected.
The symptoms are usually vague, such as bleeding, weight loss and fatigue.  Intestinal  Local symptoms are rare until the tumor has grown to a large size.

Colorectal (colon) cancer occurs when tumors form in the large intestine and rectum or.
 Sometimes called polyps are benign tumors inside the intestine, whereas malignant tumors in the large intestine are called cancers.
Benign polyps can be removed during colonoscopy and are not life threatening.
 If polyps are not removed, malignant tumors can form over time.

Colorectal cancer can be hereditary or caused by a diet high in fat, the presence of polyps in the bowel and chronic ulcerative colitis.
 As you know, is fatal in some cases, but sometimes it can be treated.

Surgery is the most common treatment for this type of bowel cancer.
 During the operation, the tumor is removed.
The patient is observed and tested to ensure that the cancer has not spread to other organs, but if so, it may require more surgery or chemotherapy can be administered.

Colon cancer is the deadliest of all health problems related to the colon.
That is why it is so important to take care of yourself by eating a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and report any problems to your doctor.

Before you rush to your doctor and embark on a series of unpleasant tests such as colonoscopy, can be considered as a new alternative available.
 It is possible to test the health of the colon to detect early stages of colon cancer by identifying blood in the stool. In fact, the evidence strongly
 people each year the American Cancer Society recommends.
  indicates bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract which may be an indication of cancer.

 Cancer is no difference.
 You can reach them all.
However, many of us are aware of the risks that lead to developing this disease.
 Our digestive system is often not given due importance or attention.
 People are not clear about the difference between their appendix, small intestine and colon.

polyps in the colon.

It is important to understand that constipation is not a disease, it is a symptom.
 Constipation occurs when stool hardens as it contains enough water.
 This condition has hardened feces and can also mean difficulty passing stools said.
 Many people today suffer from this problem colon health, but can be treated.

A person with a lock will experience fewer bowel movements; usually three movements one day to three movements per week.
 If the bowels do not move for three consecutive days, there may be pain and difficulty defecating.

There are many causes of constipation, such as not eating enough fiber, certain drugs, being pregnant, IBS, ignoring the desire to have a bowel movement, and the use of laxative abuse.

There are many ways to prevent and mitigate this condition, including eating more fiber try flaxseed, rice bran, oat bran, beans, peas, apples, pears, blueberries , exercise regular, drink a lot of the most important liquid water, avoid using over-the-counter laxatives and use the bathroom at the same time each day.

Before you rush to your doctor and embark on a series of unpleasant tests such as colonoscopy, can be considered as a new alternative available.
 It is possible to test the health of the colon to detect early stages of colon cancer by identifying blood in the stool.
In fact, the evidence strongly FOB people each year the American Cancer Society recommends. FOB indicates bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract which may be an indication of cancer.

Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract can also be caused by benign conditions such as hemorrhoids, polyps, stomach ulcers, and rectal fissures.
 In any case it will be detected in the car checkup colon test after seeing a doctor as soon as possible to determine the cause of bleeding.

What causes colon cancer?
 Colon cancer can increase growth of polyps in the colon.
These growths that have a fungus, are not life threatening, but some may develop into cancer over time. Cancer is diagnosed by colonoscopy, a painful examination.
Treatment is by surgery in certain cases, must be followed by chemotherapy.

In many cases, the patient does not experience symptoms, IE asymptomatic.
 Therefore, we recommend that you test occult blood in the stool to perform regularly. Symptoms become stronger with the wound being closest to the anus.
 These symptoms are changing in bowel habits.
 For example, the frequency change, the quality and consistency of stools, bloody stools, stools with mucus, Elena stools black due to the oxidation of iron in hemoglobin passes into the colon. Anemia with dizziness, anorexia and fatigue, weakness are symptoms too.

Most older than 60 people are at risk of developing colon cancer.
 The removal of colon polyps in time to reduce the possible risk of cancer.
 People with an above colon cancer are suitable for further development in the future.
 This disease can develop in hereditary basis.
 Needless to say that smoking is a high risk for this cancer.

Colorectal Cancer Men and Women

We do not know the exact cause of the occurrence of colorectal cancer, scientists have recognized several factors that may increase the risk of developing colorectal cancer.
 A risk factor for a disease is a condition that makes it more likely to develop the disease person.
 Some of the risk factors such as dietary factors are modifiable by the person concerned, while other factors such as age are immutable.
 These risk factors may act in combination, and this combination of risk factors may be associated with a cumulative risk of developing colorectal cancer increases.
 The mere presence of one or more risk factors does not necessarily mean that a person will develop colorectal cancer.
 On the other hand, the absence of all risk factors does not mean that a person will not develop colorectal cancer, but generally more risk factors you have more risk of developing colorectal cancer.
 Environmental factors may also play a role in the development of colorectal cancer.

While you are doing your colon cleanse, make sure you get plenty of sleep and exercise. Exercise is believed to reduce the risk of colon cancer.

 Light exercise is also a good way to get the blood flowing through your body.
 Gymnastics, insured and beneficial for people of all ages impact.
There are many programs and exercise plans out there, or just walk at least 30 to 45 minutes a day is beneficial to the function of the colon.

Detoxification is an effective process to eliminate toxins from the body.
 The organs of the natural detoxification system simply did not evolve to meet future man-made contaminants that were to come.

 With the increase of toxins in the environment and the food we eat, it is not surprising that most people are at a level of toxicity that has passed the point where the body own natural detoxification system can cope.

 Regular detoxification will help avoid serious problems and feel better mentally and physically.

Screening is usually a yearly rectal exam, including stool samples.
 Some exams may require a field inserted into the rectum to examine the entire intestine.
 If there is concern or colon tissue review, a biopsy may be ordered by a more detailed analysis.
 If cancer is detected, other tests such as ultrasound, CT scan or X-rays would be conducted to determine if it has spread to other areas.
 Of particular concern is the liver because it is one of the more likely that this dangerous disease is spreading to places. 

screening colonoscopy Men and Women Equally

Colon cancer affects men and women too

Most cases of colon cancer begin as small clusters of cells called adenoma polyps. Cancerous tumors in the colon or rectum can also extend to other parts of the body.

 Cancer of the colon and rectum  colorectal cancer is a malignant tumor from the lining of the large intestine.
 If signs and symptoms of colon cancer, which may include changes in bowel habits, blood in stool, persistent cramping, gas or abdominal pain occurs.
 Since colon cancer can grow for years without causing symptoms, it is best to have regular reviews of colon cancer.

Colon cancer is a serious disease characterized by abnormal cell growth in the colon, creating a cancerous tumor.
 This type of disease is third on the list of the most common forms of cancer and are usually common in people over 50 years, but can occur in patients of all ages.

Cancers of the colon or rectum, are treatable if diagnosed at an early stage of the disease. However, many people are often not diagnosed in time the first symptoms are not always recognized, and when they are, people are a bit reluctant to discuss the details of your symptoms with a doctor.

Recent research suggests that a high fiber, low fat diet plays a role in prevention;
 what a great role is not clear.
 Although the exact cause of colorectal cancer is not known, it is possible to prevent many colon cancers by diet and exercise.
 It is important to control the risk factors that you can control, such as diet and exercise.

A detox program, in most cases it will include a mental change in attitude toward diet, improve nutrition, eliminating toxins, turning desired for the internal financial flora, maintaining a balanced pH level in body and more comprehensive mind and body.
 Diet plays an important role in preventing the development of colon cancer.
 Diets high in fat and low in fruits and vegetables, such as red meat, fried and foods high in fat dairy products are included, may increase the risk of colorectal cancer. 

Physiotherapy without chemotherapy

Physiotherapy without chemotherapy

It is a cancer Normal convention is that Tan must undergo chemotherapy or radiotherapy as suggested by your surgeon.

 But she refused medical treatment.

No recurrence or metastasis of this writing.

 The question to ask is: Why the doctor asked to undergo radiation therapy in the first place. Was it just a piece of the process - to meet the medical agreement.

 Let us ask ourselves this  What could have been the result if Tan was undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy .Would these treatments more harmful and cause misery to your life.

It should be emphasized that the Tan healing is not only due to the herbs.

 Their diet is equally important.

 We ask patients to abstain from meat, sugar, table salt, dairy products and oil.

 Ideally patients should switch to a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy also kills healthy cells.

 But unlike chemotherapy, which is usually passed through the body, radiation tends to concentrate on the specific area of the body where cancer was or when the radiation is used to prevent local recurrence.

 Side effects of radiation therapy include local effects such as fatigue and loss of appetite. As with chemotherapy, radiation therapy can cause secondary cancers.

Certain nutrients, especially vitamins A, L-glutamine, and honey, has been shown to help counter the side effects of radiation therapy without interfering with the expected radiation effects.

 A clinical trial of people with globate demonstrated that melatonin improves survival and quality of life of people undergoing radiotherapy.

 Topical, cream Valenzuela Valenzuela officialism herb can help relieve the side effects of radiation on the skin and help healing.

 Vitamin E cream can also help in the same manner.

 The Strangles membrane Strangles grass has been shown to increase white blood cells and their activity in patients undergoing radiotherapy.

Because strangles increases the synthesis of white blood cells, has recently been used to treat European white blood cells due to chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

 Radiation in any region of the body, including the large bones, particularly the pelvis and the upper leg affects the ability of the bone marrow to produce white blood cells.

 Therefore, strangles may help prevent immune deficiencies that can occur with radiation therapy..

Herbal Colon Cleansing

Colon cleansing herbal is simple, because there are many ways to perform this function.
 It is a tedious process, because it could be done at home itself.

 Cleaning is a process wherein the cleaning region is washed by using the medicine.

Herbal colon cleansing is of two types, depending on where you can do.

- Home made natural colon cleansing herbal
- Colon retirement home cleaning

The use of substances that form naturally known as herbal products.
 This can also include herbs and products for home plants with the action of natural phenomena. Cleaning methods are homemade herbal:

- Food rich in vegetables, fruits and cereals
- Home made the enema water
- The use of laxatives

Vegetables such as beets, carrots, cabbage, etc.

 will solve the problem themselves.
They loosen the stool in the intestine and then naturally move away from the body, thereby opening up all the unwanted substances in the body.

 If converted into blood, and the use of garlic, ginger, licorice root and help to purify the blood.

Hundreds of plants are still the subject of research for effective use in the treatment of various cancers and require new scientific approval before the general acceptance by the medical profession.

 But a growing number of independent physicians engaged in healing professional conduct is motivated by the satisfactory methods in medical practice today and are ready to see "alternative" methods.

Echinacea Echinacea Angus specific recommendation of Dr. Vogel for their beneficial effect on the body under stress of cancer or another serious illness.

 This medication is followed by many who wish to pursue non-invasive methods of treatment.

Relish Gander lucid has anti-inflammatory action.

 It has been used for centuries in oriental medicine to treat cancer.

 Modern tests show that the dust from the gills or spores of these fungi can give as much relief of inflammation, such as hydrocortisone and aspirin with a side effect, whether administered by orally or topically.

 It is considered the most valuable remedy in cancer

 . Is used as a preventative cancer as when incorporated into the normal diet.

Licorice root Glycerolize Lara, Sweet wood is very herbalists in the treatment of many diseases, including cancer disease.

    Yogurt is an enema one in which the homemade yogurt mixed with herbs and taken orally. This irregular stool curing inflammation in the colon and cancer of the colon even formed due to the cured lining.

 Colon cleansing herbal will also help in the healing of miscopied plaque that forms on the colon. 

Symptoms and Different Stages of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is a preventable cancer and its symptoms are not easily identifiable.

 Colon cancer, at diagnosis, is generally in an advanced stage.
You should also be informed about the symptoms of colon cancer, as it help you take care of your health.

There are many symptoms, and these symptoms can not be identified in the early stages of cancer. Therefore, it is recommended to opt for regular checkups once a person reaches the age of fifty.

Symptoms are categorized into two types.

 They are systemic and local symptoms.

Symptoms of colon cancer are local diarrhea, constipation, changes in bowel movements and frequent pain or cramps gas.

 Systemic symptoms of colon cancer are jaundice, anemia, unexplained fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and jaundice.

Colon cancer also known as colon cancer or colorectal cancer is a cancer that affects the entire last part of the digestive system in general, the colon or rectum is responsible for over 56,000 deaths each year and is one of the most dangerous types of cancer around.

 There are a number of symptoms that may indicate you have cancer of the intestine.

 In this article, I will discuss the signs and symptoms, and hopefully give you information to identify the disease earlier than later.

Unlike other conditions in which the symptoms are clear and easy to identify the symptoms of colon cancer are often vague and difficult to detect.

 The cancer becomes more advanced and the tumor grows, symptoms become more noticeable.

 But this time is often more difficult to effectively treat cancer.

 That is why it is essential for you to be on the lookout for signs of bowel cancer at any time.

 This way you can greatly improve your chances of identifying colorectal cancer and early treatment. There are many symptoms associated with this type of cancer, but I've given you four of the most common.

Symptoms of colon cancer are not necessarily present in the initial phase of the problem.

 Most of the time does not appear or are difficult to detect until the problem reached an advanced stage.

However, it is always better to know that can be detected.

 Mentioned below are some of the known symptoms of colon cancer.

 If any of the above symptoms are present there for more than a week not to seek advice from their doctor about screening for colon cancer.

Cancer Colon

If you begin to notice a change in your bowel habits, believe it or not, he wants the IRS if it will be a problem.

 Colon cancer and IBS  Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
 Both have symptoms related to dethronement and can leave a mess when it comes to how you feel.
The biggest difference between the two intermediates is the obvious cancer that will kill if not supported.

Traumatic stress reduces the body's ability to protect itself from attack SI infections, and diseases such as colon cancer.

 When the trauma is known, the body has received a  shock  of everything usually.

 However, a stressful experience perhaps disables normal operation of the body, especially organs such as the colon, they are attacked to the point where the recovery is reduced. The immune system, all that fights infection, is weakened when you come under stress.

The colon responds strongly to stimuli such as diet or stress; thesis and while most people do not bother, be-have a negative effect on others.

One of the bodies is vulnerable to the disease that is the colon.

 IBS or irritable colon, is associated with stressful situations, and lack of treatment can lead to serious health problems.

In people with IBS, stress and other strong emotions can strongly affect the colon in a negative way.

 Like many other organs, which also has many nerves that connect the brain.

 The heart, lungs and colon are controlled by the autonomic nervous system most of the time, and this responds to stress.

 So when you are afraid, your heart beats faster, your blood pressure rises, and breathless in May. The also colon responds to stress.

Because the arguments are so similar, many doctors perform extensive testing to degrade No tumors in the intestine width mainly all that is done through what is known as a colonoscopy brand.

 This is the case of snake long tube is inserted into the rectum and moves through the large intestine and other abnormalities of the differences in structure.

Let me list a few things have been, associated with a worsening of symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome:

 eating meals can lead to swelling of gas in the colon; have to take medication; foods, such as wheat, rye, barley, chocolate, milk products, or alcohol can irritate the problem; beverages containing caffeine in them, such as coffee, tea, or cola; and we are concerned about in this short article - stress, living in the midst of a conflict, or emotional conditions, including, can lead to a deterioration of the colon.