polyps in the colon.

It is important to understand that constipation is not a disease, it is a symptom.
 Constipation occurs when stool hardens as it contains enough water.
 This condition has hardened feces and can also mean difficulty passing stools said.
 Many people today suffer from this problem colon health, but can be treated.

A person with a lock will experience fewer bowel movements; usually three movements one day to three movements per week.
 If the bowels do not move for three consecutive days, there may be pain and difficulty defecating.

There are many causes of constipation, such as not eating enough fiber, certain drugs, being pregnant, IBS, ignoring the desire to have a bowel movement, and the use of laxative abuse.

There are many ways to prevent and mitigate this condition, including eating more fiber try flaxseed, rice bran, oat bran, beans, peas, apples, pears, blueberries , exercise regular, drink a lot of the most important liquid water, avoid using over-the-counter laxatives and use the bathroom at the same time each day.

Before you rush to your doctor and embark on a series of unpleasant tests such as colonoscopy, can be considered as a new alternative available.
 It is possible to test the health of the colon to detect early stages of colon cancer by identifying blood in the stool.
In fact, the evidence strongly FOB people each year the American Cancer Society recommends. FOB indicates bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract which may be an indication of cancer.

Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract can also be caused by benign conditions such as hemorrhoids, polyps, stomach ulcers, and rectal fissures.
 In any case it will be detected in the car checkup colon test after seeing a doctor as soon as possible to determine the cause of bleeding.

What causes colon cancer?
 Colon cancer can increase growth of polyps in the colon.
These growths that have a fungus, are not life threatening, but some may develop into cancer over time. Cancer is diagnosed by colonoscopy, a painful examination.
Treatment is by surgery in certain cases, must be followed by chemotherapy.

In many cases, the patient does not experience symptoms, IE asymptomatic.
 Therefore, we recommend that you test occult blood in the stool to perform regularly. Symptoms become stronger with the wound being closest to the anus.
 These symptoms are changing in bowel habits.
 For example, the frequency change, the quality and consistency of stools, bloody stools, stools with mucus, Elena stools black due to the oxidation of iron in hemoglobin passes into the colon. Anemia with dizziness, anorexia and fatigue, weakness are symptoms too.

Most older than 60 people are at risk of developing colon cancer.
 The removal of colon polyps in time to reduce the possible risk of cancer.
 People with an above colon cancer are suitable for further development in the future.
 This disease can develop in hereditary basis.
 Needless to say that smoking is a high risk for this cancer.


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