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Colon Cleansing Herbs - 7 Colon Cleansing Herbs You Can Try

Colon cleansing is believed to have health benefits , and a natural way to cleanse your colon is to use colon cleansing herbal .

 Why is considered a colon cleanse and what are the best herbs for colon cleansing ?

When we take food into the body, the work is essentially the colon to absorb water and minerals from the food , then get rid of the waste material .

 Due to the increase in processed fats and toxins rich foods in the modern diet , the colon can sometimes be difficult to get rid of all the waste , creating a buildup and promote greater toxic accumulation.

Toxins in fried foods and other fatty foods that we consume and waste accumulate hydrogenated, are absorbed by the low yield of the colon, and can lead to lethargy and other health problems, including cancer.

 While you should always consult a professional before starting any treatment, herbal colon cleansing provide a flexible and natural way of colon cleansing to help improve overall health.

Fruit & Vega . OK, so you 're not really herbal colon cleansing , but improving your diet, eat less fat , processed and more nutritious , fresh, vitamin and mineral enriched foods is a great colon cleansing naturally .

 The colon absorbs all the nutrients and manage waste better .

Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera has many applications , when used as a colon cleansing herbal is a natural laxative and helps cleanse the colon of waste and toxins. It also helps stimulate the colon to help restore normal function.

Senna. Senna also has a natural laxative effect because it is rich in fiber, which can be particularly effective when used for colon cleansing as it removes waste from the colon stubborn struggle to get rid of itself.

Licorice root .

 It is a common ingredient in many colon cleansing products manufactured due to their natural detoxifying and laxative properties that help to get your colon function properly.

Slim . Most Slim is a seed of a grass colon cleaning , which helps soften the waste in the colon and used oil can move through easily.

Cascara Armada . This has actually been used by Native Americans and contains atrocious who are responsible for its strong laxative effect . He asked colon contractions similar to the natural shape of the work of the colon , helping to get rid of waste .

Fennel. Fennel is a laxative as with all other plants for colon cleansing , we saw , but also has a cleansing effect on the bacteria in the colon , helping to get rid of bad bacteria effect.

There are many more natural colon cleanse herbs available , and most health stores can advise you on the best option for you.

 If you want the convenience of colon detox product already, but all the benefits of a 100% natural , so you may want to consider the United States the number 1 selling detox products .

Whether you're looking to colon cleansing as a way to improve your overall health or lose weight, this combination has helped more than 500,000 Americans lose weight, have more energy and feel good . 

Kill Cancer Cells Naturally herbs

In the past , the only treatment for the type of cancer patients are called artificial or hospital treatment .

 Today , there are alternative cancer treatments or treatments that kill cancer cells naturally . Changes in lifestyle, review your diet , etc., are examples of other ways to win against cancer. If you have cancer cells, this article is a must read.

Herbs fight against cancer

Herbs are part of the list of natural remedies for cancer sufferers .

 There are also herbs that can actually counteract the growth of cancer cells. Green tea, or Camellia Sinless is an herb that can be used to prevent cancer, or can be used as a treatment for the disease in question.

 If you have been diagnosed with cancer of the lung, colon , breast, and so on , the consumption of green tea on a daily basis is included in alternative therapies against cancer that help kill cancer cells naturally .

 Green tea contains isolationism and antioxidants that fight deadly boring cells.

We also recommend the Mint " Menthe " .

 It can help you win against cancer, as it has photochemical that work to prevent the blood supply to tumors that are cancerous.

 When the blood supply is reduced or cut off , killing the cancerous or cancerous cells .

 Adding some more peppery dishes , so even the addition of mint for coffee or other drink is in the list of alternative cancer therapy to be incorporated into everyday life.

Foods that kill cancer cells naturally

There are also foods that you should eat more regularly and by the presence of cancer cells. These foods are usually the ones that can make your immune system stronger , and contain nutrients and components that can fight these cells.

 Some even cause tumors and smaller tumors. Examples of foods that you can use to win against cancer lawyers,

 because they are rich in antioxidants , red grapes, because they also contain antioxidants and reverter, is also effective in preventing the growth of cancer cells , fungi and polysaccharides which strengthen immunity stops pectin multiplying cells , among others.

Other recommendations considered or included alternative therapies for cancer are getting enough rest and sleep every day to make the body stronger , getting a good laugh from time to time for fun and happy also makes a stronger immunity, the regular exercise , especially aerobic exercise can also boost the defense system of the body against cancer. 

Colon Cleanse the Natural Way

The colon is designed to eliminate waste and absorb fluids and minerals, while maintaining levels of fluid and electrolyte balance .

A healthy colon caused by fecal matter accumulated , not being able to perform the essential functions that can cause undesirable toxins spread throughout the body.

Columbus is not the right way (Leg , drinking and eating unhealthy foods that contribute to the accumulation of waste) result in irregular and unhealthy bowel .

 In turn , this could lead to a host of health problems such as lack of energy , constipation and abdominal pain .

 As people continue to take excessive amounts of toxins per day ( in the form of fried foods , hydrogenated fats , food cooked in a microwave , white flour , sugar , caffeine , etc. ) , the accumulation of unwanted material in the colon continues to grow .

Home colon cleansing procedure

To rid the body of these unwanted and harmful accumulations , it is important to undergo a colon cleansing procedure .

 For starters, there are some small adjustments to make to the lifestyle to ensure the effectiveness of the process.

You must start with a diet. As mentioned above , people continue to fill your body with unhealthy foods that cause more harm than good.

 A typical diet consists of a large number of processed foods that have been altered or modified in various aspects of their naturally occurring form .

 Ensure a healthier, more natural diet will certainly reduce the levels of toxins in his system.

 It is also necessary to incorporate a large amount of dietary fiber , which facilitates proper excretion of waste substances from the body.

It is also important to increase the water consumption of a . A colon cleanse also eliminates a lot of fluid system itself which is why it is necessary to rehydrate .

Remedies herbal cleansing

One of the best ways to ensure that the process of colon cleansing goes as smoothly as possible is to use some cleaning remedies .

 Such mixtures are known to have many beneficial effects on the cleaning process, such as improving the performance of the muscles of the colon , killing parasites and harmful bacteria , which prevents the formation of toxins , and to facilitate transfer the stool.

One can easily buy these cleansing herbs , either online or in health stores .

 They usually come with complete instructions that are very easy to follow. However, it is still necessary for people who go through the label and instructions carefully to avoid problems. These products should be used sparingly to ensure that the stool or recurrent dehydration unknown. Over time , you should know the effect of these herbs in your body and be able to make the necessary adjustments , either decrease or increase the amount of herbs made abased on the desired results.

When you do a colon cleanse , it is always important to consider everything , even the little things. The most important changes a person can make in your life , the better the chances of success in terms of having a healthy colon. 

Herbal Colon Cleansing

There are many different recipes colon cleansing herbal or diets that claim to be able to perform a colon cleanse that is almost as effective as other options.

This is certainly a possibility.

 If you try some of the diets that are out there, you will see that it is a good alternative. You can add herbal supplements for these plans to make them more efficient, and therefore more attractive option.

Most colon cleansing diets are based on the idea of readapting your fiber intake according to this problem is the majority.

 If constipation is a problem, you can increase your fiber intake. If diarrhea is a problem, reduce it. For mild one of those things where , it will help.

Sometimes you will not be able to solve a problem by changing the amount of fiber in the diet. This is when you need to start getting into some of the most exotic natural remedies that have specific functions.

 Are different herbs that are made in a way that things are down the exact cause intestinal problems .

If you know what your problems are right, you know what herbs you need to get by just doing some quick research .

 But unfortunately , it is almost impossible to determine a specific problem. In general, it is not just the fact that you suffer from constipation or diarrhea, and that's all you have to follow. In this case , you should try one of the products that successfully combine all herbs .

This type of drug is widely available in one model class - pill intestinal relief. You can be prescribed by a doctor, you can visit the pharmacy , or you can just get on the computer and look for sites that sell them.

 Each brand has had years of accumulated paid her research, and is therefore likely to be more effective than any other mixture of herbs that you can invent .

The reason for this treatment of colon cleansing herbal are so effective is their way of attacking the problem at all levels .

 Intestinal disorders can come from different types of deposits , and each takes a different grass to break down and restart .

 Herbal medicine combines all these things together , even if you have more than one problem to another, you will always be able to relieve both .

If you 're interested in trying some herbal remedies to get your digestive system work better, you should read reviews on all major brands .

 When you hear about the personal experiences of others who have tried the same thing , you can decide for yourself if you feel comfortable trying a colon cleansing herbal products . 

Can a Herbal Colon Cleanser Cure Cancer?

You might be surprised to discover that colon cancer claims the lives of more than 100,000 Americans each year.

 Only in recent years , medical authorities finally agreed that the majority of bowel cancers are caused by environmental toxicity .

 Many scientists believe that a diet rich in meat and low in fiber is one of the main culprits.

Traditionally, doctors and scientists have said diet plays a key role in the fight against cancer quacks were identified and were not taken seriously.

Today, it is generally accepted that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, especially vegetables cross hair as fresh Brussels sprouts , broccoli and cabbage, will go a long way to allow the body to fight their own battles .

So now we all agree that taking care of our diet is important .

 A little common sense really .

 It would also be painful at this time to suggest that colon cleansing also has an important role to play in the prevention of cancer and other diseases role .

 Unfortunately , proponents of colon cleansing are still considered crazy.

But enough about those who perform regular colon cleansing to realize that there is certainly something very deep to keep the colon clean .

 Most people who engage in colon cleansing report remarkable results. Often , their symptoms disappear immediately and also see a decrease in other conditions that may not have been perceived to be connected to a healthy colon.

Make statements about cancer treatment and medical writers can have many problems, but there is growing evidence for colon cleansing .

 Doctors may think it is not important, but I 'm sure tens of thousands of people who took it upon themselves to self-medication by colon cleansing herbal would strongly disagree .

Cancer is , of course, an industry a billion dollar so when these herbalists Waco achieve an easy solution to the problem of colon cancer in the propaganda machine comes in.

 Although the scientific evidence is not evidence is certainly large enough anecdotal. This is just common sense .

 Keep cleaning system will certainly help how your body works and builds resistance to disease.


 You can think of these as the most appropriate remedies for the treatment of colds nothing serious, but it is simply not true.

 Paul d' Armco bark , for example, has even been used as part of a treatment for certain types of colon cancer. Although colon detoxification herbal base , can do wonders .

 Colon cleansing herbs and other herbs for colon cancer can go a long way in improving the health of the colon.

 To understand the implications of this statement , you must understand the importance of colon health. Herbs have a variety of applications ranging from disease every day we are all faced with serious conditions that can be fatal.

Colon Health

The colon is part of the digestive tract.

The colon contains the waste from the body in its output .

Of course , you know that any backup of waste in the body can be toxic and hazardous to your health .

 A colon and function of the digestive system is properly essential for good health. This is why colon cleansing techniques have gained so much popularity in recent years.

 One way of cleansing the colon as waste and potentially toxic materials left the body. Colon cleansing is also popular because many believe it is a tool for weight loss .

A more serious problem is that of colon cancer.

Tumors form in the colon and can be benign or malignant. Paul d' Armco bark can help stop benign tumors become malignant tumors may arise if it is not treated .

Colon cancer is insidious because it does not remain in the colon.

 Herbs for colon detoxification and colon herbal can help prevent the stage in which the cancer cells spread into surrounding tissues .

This discrepancy may include vital organs such as the liver and lungs.

 This type of cancer spread to other organs , some of which may be remote from the colon is called metastasis .

 If metastasis occurs in cases of colorectal cancer and the complete cure of the disease of cancer is not likely to occur. Colon cleansing herbal can help prevent this.

Cancer treatment or stimulation of the immune system to defend itself against cancerous tumors is a goal at all costs.

 This extract is considered by many to kill cancer cells or at least to help the immune system of a person to protect the body against malignant infestations.

 You can increase the number of red blood cells in your efforts.

The fact that a natural remedy may be able to affect something as serious as cancer can be surprising state, but it is an advantage not to be overlooked .

 With the limits of drugs manufactured in the treatment and control of cancer cells, the fact that natural substances may be able to help the body or even change the course of the battle against cancer is reassuring.

Herbal remedies such as Paul d 'Marco bark can treat both mild and severe conditions.

 The fact that a herbal remedy is , that does not mean it is not effective in the treatment of serious medical conditions .

 Herbs for colon detoxification colon promote herbal are a good example. Although professional medical advice is always necessary , considering the use of herbal remedies in a treatment protocol is recommended .

 You want to consider all your options , and if possible , let your body heal itself naturally .

Paul d' Armco bark can give you a herbal colon detox can improve your overall health by eliminating toxins your body .

 In fact, you might even be able to help your body fight cancer .

 This natural method of healing the body of toxins that occur in life can have dramatic health benefits . 

How A Herbal Colon Cleanse Protects You From Diseases

us have heard experts say that sometimes it is necessary to cleanse the colon with a good colon cleanser herbal there.

 Healthy life and now you come face to face with all sorts of toxic substances. More emphasis on colon cleansing is happening now than ever before with greater exposure to toxins and unhealthy lifestyle .

It is good to have more options now to get a colon cleanse .

 For many years , colon cleansing has been mainly limited to hospitals , but these days , you can have a colon cleanse practically anywhere you feel comfortable in - including your home !

If used properly, cleaning the colon can be protected against many diseases.

 The colon , as you know , is responsible for the elimination of body toxins .

 For a period of time, which can become clogged colon can then manifest digestive problems and colon cancer .

Herbal Colon Cleanse : What is it?

Colon cleansing herbal is a popular method for colon cleansing .

 It makes use of various herbs to remove toxic waste from the colon, to prevent the accumulation of toxins in the colon and improve bowel function .

Colon cleansing herbal herbal

Among the herbs that you can expect to see in colon cleansing herbal are:

· Cascara Armada . Cascara Armada is a bark that comes tree Buck horn .

The powder can be made WWF the bark is a powerful laxative. Indians , in fact, have long been used to treat constipation .

 Cascara Armada also helps to strengthen the walls of the colon.

· Slim seeds . Considered one of the best sources of fiber , slim helps the cleaning process by promoting good digestion and elimination of waste.

 If the colon is blocked or if you suffer from constipation, make sure that your colon cleansing comes with this main ingredient.

· Capsicum . Capsicum promotes blood circulation and serves as a way to clean other ingredients herbal colon to work well with each other .

· Benoit . If your line of work requires constant exposure to heavy metals , colon cleansing should take Benoit clay absorbable form that attracts and removes heavy metals and many other toxins from the body .

· Burdock . Burdock is both an antifungal agent and an antibiotic.

 Comes with diuretic properties , which facilitates the elimination of toxins through the urine.

· Beet . Beet root is a tonic for the liver.

 The liver is detoxification , which is made so that the care of your liver is a very important step in colon cleansing .

· Dandelion . Dandelion root is another herb that helps maintain a healthy liver .

 It is very useful to protect against infection in the kidneys and gallbladder .

· Peppermint . Peppermint leaves calm the stomach and helps to evacuate.

Cleaning products herbal usually come in pill or drink.

 They should also come with proper instructions and always with a security guarantee .

 Note that there are many scammers out there and not all products that claim to be cleaning herbal are safe, legitimate and effective .

 Always read the label and make sure that the product is properly registered with regulatory agencies and is certified safe for human consumption.

Even if you use a high quality product , you have to observe potential side effects , however. Because of its laxative properties , colon cleansing herbal can cause diarrhea and vomiting , which can lead to electrolyte imbalance.

The use of cleaning products herbal must not be abused. You should talk to your doctor if you are using homemade cleaning products herbal .
 Your doctor is the best person to recommend .

Herbal Colon Cleanse Treatments

 Colon and called the large intestine , is a major component of the digestive system .
 Its realization would absorb water and nutrition in the undigested food and get rid of toxins and waste from the body .

 Columbus is home to a variety of microorganisms that act on the undigested food to become feces.

Cancer kills many Americans each year than anything else except heart disease.

 It is estimated that more than 526,000 Americans die of cancer this year, and two to four percent of cases can be directly or indirectly due to the excessive use of alcohol .

The strongest link between alcohol and cancer is seen with cancers of the mouth, pharynx and esophagus . Breast, colorectal and liver cancer also show some relationship with excessive alcohol consumption , however, they are still in dispute. Overall, according to the Canadian Cancer Society Yankee , these cancers are the reason why more than 125,000 deaths in the United States each year.

When the body of a person who is full of waste , she or her body can not weaken. Consider a vehicle, when people put dirty gas in the car, it becomes lower.

 Once an individual from the contaminated petrol car then a person will work well . This specific scenario becomes identical as regards the body of an individual .

 In the case of a large amount of contaminants in the liver and an accumulation of these contaminants could find a way back into the rest of the body .

 Later, a large amount of toxins that these contaminants can begin to flow through all the organs, including the kidneys, heart and brain of a person.

When people do a detox , most of it or its contaminants will be removed from your internal organs , for example, a person's heart , kidneys and brain. In addition , detoxification can to some extent to get rid of yeast infections with different diseases.

 People should not provide effective cleaning to remove tumors or cancers.

 However, effective detoxification is the removal of contaminants before it causes cellular damage leading to tumors and cancers.

Harmful pollutants happen to get rid of everyone with a good cleaning of juice. When people consume a sufficient amount so that detoxification provide enough calories.

 When cleaning the body of a person deals with changes in metabolism.

 This detoxification is initiated by the removal of toxins from the kidneys, lungs , colon , liver , bladder and a person's skin.

Thereafter, the contaminants are removed from the blood and lymph of a subject. Finally, the contaminants are removed from the colon of a person. 

With the Use of Herbal Remedies Treatments For Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is a leading maker of human life. The disease has claimed many victims over the years . And despite the advances in medical technology, research of these treatments is still in its infancy .

Fight against cancer is never easy. In fact , fighting any form of cancer is a daunting task that can test not only his physical strength but also the other central aspect of their existence.

Columbus is one of the most essential parts of our digestive system . This is the part where the waste is stored. The colon and rectum are connected together to form the large intestine ( also called the large bowel).

Colon cancer usually begins when it invades the tissues and organs that are adjacent to it and makes it considerable damage. Cancer cells can also spread to other vital organs such as the lungs and liver. This is called metastasis of colon cancer .

The sad news is that if there is already a cell metastatic colon cancer , the ability to completely cure this disease is very low .

Diseases of the colon is attributed to poor diet. Those who love to eat fatty foods are more likely to develop colon diseases .

Genetics can also play a vital role in the development of colon cancer. If your family has a history of colon cancer, there is also a higher risk of developing colon cancer .

The presence of polyps in the large intestine can also cause colon cancer . This case is the same with chronic ulcerative colitis.

A person suffering from colon cancer later stages may experience chronic fatigue, frequent lack of breath, changes in bowel habits , narrow stools , chronic constipation, blood in stool , weight loss , abdominal pain, bloating and cramps.

These symptoms echo these symptoms by irritable bowel syndrome , Cohn's disease and peptic ulcer . That is why it is imperative to many tests to ensure that your condition is actually colon cancer .

The drug is a long and arduous process . You can choose to go for surgery in which the doctor removes the tumor . You can also go to chemotherapy and radiation to kill cancer cells.

Bowel disease can be prevented by a healthy and active lifestyle. Reduce the consumption of foods high in fat and rich in material additives .

Move. Exercise can improve the health of your entire body and reduce the risk of serious and potentially fatal diseases.

The use of garlic for patients with colon cancer has been studied repeatedly . It is said that people who eat more garlic have a lower risk of colon cancer . Garlic can be infused into your daily diet as a preventive measure .

Slim is also a treatment for colon cancer . The use of this plant helps protect the walls of the colon damage.

A herbs against cancer is the most common green tea. Among the many benefits of green tea is its ability to prevent the development of cancer. This is because it is a natural antioxidant that can detoxify the body and remove traces of harmful chemicals. Green tea is particularly useful in the prevention of colon chance

Herbal and Natural Remedies For Colon Problems

The search for natural solutions to maintain colon health is obviously a good approach. Presentation of the basic chemical prescription in the body can have adverse effects. Many people believe that the benefits of taking laxatives or enemas to counter the far greater than any damage they may suffer as a result of chemicals that endanger these solutions. A much better and healthier is a natural solution . Some effective colon health natural remedies are:

Garlic. This has become a wonder cure herbal in recent years , more and more people recognize the benefits of adding garlic to your diet . Garlic has been shown to help reduce the chances of developing precancerous colon polyps . It is also believed that people who consume garlic on a regular basis or those taking garlic supplements are less likely to develop colon cancer.

Green tea. Another plant that has become a focal point for those looking for a natural alternative to traditional medicine. Regarding the health of the colon , it is believed that green tea to help reduce the risk of developing colon cancer in a person.

Grape Seed Extract. Recent studies have shown that grape seed extract actually used may slow the progression of cancer cells in the colon. For a person with a history of colon cancer in his family , adding that this natural substance to your daily diet can be interesting.

Turmeric. An essential ingredient of curry , this herb has been shown to be an ally in the fight against colon cancer . Take a supplement containing turmeric may help reduce the risk of polyps that attach to the wall of the colon.

Ginger . Another species that is part of many dishes , this substance was effective in maintaining colon health . Add ginger to food as a spice can help prevent the development of cancer cells in the colon. While they may be considered as a supplement in capsule form , which is much better taste and more easily absorbed when added as an ingredient for cooking.

A natural remedy for the continuity of colon health is vitamin D. In their most natural form of vitamin D is obtained from the direct sunlight . Many people believe that this is the best way for the body to absorb. If this approach is that the individual must be aware of the harmful effects of sunlight on the skin cells and therefore recommend the use of sunscreen. Vitamin D can also be taken as a daily supplement . It is also found in many foods and is often added to orange juice as well .

Calcium should also be taken in supplement form in an effort to improve the overall health of the colon. Many people have dairy drink difficulty due to lactose intolerance . If the person is suffering from irritable bowel syndrome is even more difficult to eat or drink dairy products comfortably. In addition to being a natural remedy for colon problems , calcium is also essential for strong bones , helping to prevent osteoporosis later in life.

Colon Cancer and Survival

  In a previous article, we discussed colon cancer stage. But what about in the hope of survival?

Survival prognosis depends on the stage of colon cancer is in.

A better understanding of the main staging categories will be useful here.

 Basically indicates Stadium that the cancer has penetrated only the top layer of the intestinal wall (mucosa). Survival rates are over 90% at 5 years in this stage. Stage 2 means the cancer has penetrated into the muscle layer of the intestinal wall. The rate decreased slightly by 75-80% in five years.

The third stage is when the cancer spreads to the lymph nodes. The prognosis for more than 5 years here is 44-55%.

Colon cancer stage 4 (metastatic) clearly has the worst prognosis.

 However, all stage IV cancers are the same. For example, the NCI reports that patients with three or fewer liver metastases (liver) have a rate of five-year survival of 20-30%.

If you discover that you have colon cancer, there are tests and procedures that will be used to determine the stage of cancer.

 These include chest X-ray to see if the cancer has spread to the lungs, CT scan to determine the extent of metastasis, especially regarding the liver, and the pathologist's report, which is used to determine the depth of penetration in the intestine was, and if lymph node involvement. There are several treatment options available.

 Survival depends on the length of the detection of colon cancer and what stage it is in. Once this has been determined, together with your family and your doctor can make a plan for you, so that you can have greater chance of survival.

Colorectal Cancer Information On Symptoms And Treatment


The incidence of cancer of the large intestine and rectum shows a wide variation in the world. Is one of the most common internal cancer in the United States . The average age of onset of colorectal cancer is 63-67 years. The exact cause of this cancer is unknown, but it is generally accepted that occurs more frequently in industrialized and urbanized less frequently in rural and underdeveloped countries . The causes are considered to be due to environmental factors . However, family history is a predisposing factor.
Diet high volume of people in the least developed areas allows more quick and easy passage of stools per day movements , which is one of the tips for the prevention of colorectal cancer. Researchers agree that there is still much work to do, but delayed motility and bacterial activity seem to be involved in cancer development. Constipation predisposes to cancer of the intestine, which allows a long exposure of the mucosa to carcinogens in the stool outside .
A complete physical examination and ask questions about the patient's history are essential for the presence of cancer . The patient should be asked about previous findings of polyps or colitis, and family history of colorectal cancer and other cancers. The results can be inconclusive or highly suspect. Rectal examination also revealed that about 50% of cancers of the large intestine . Iron deficiency anemia in women male menopause and later, and the presence of blood in the stool should always be done .
Symptoms of colorectal cancer include changes in bowel habits and bleeding. The pain is felt even depending on where the cancer cells in the colon. Including the rectum , and recto sigmoid example local pain or lower back pain that radiates down the legs. It feels like you are being attacked with a stun gun in the field. Nausea and vomiting are also common, and even anorexia and anemia.
One of the most confusing aspects of large bowel cancer has been linked to the staging and classification of the disease. The staging is based on the examination of the sample after surgery. Many classification systems have been developed. Dukes classification with three stages is simple and easy . A spreading step comprises the mucosa and submicron. Stage B includes invasion through the muscular wall without lymph node involvement . Finally, step C includes metastases in regional lymph nodes.
The treatment of colorectal cancer may include one or a combination of surgery , including laser surgery , radiotherapy , chemotherapy , including implants and isotopes also involving immunoassay. Power raises almost similar to or greater than the voltage used in the razer gun applied to destroy tissue or is medically known as a torch. The choice of the particular type or combination depends on the type and location of the tumor, and the degree of metastasis of the patient's condition .
The prognosis depends on the length of treatment and detection . This is why you need to know and be aware when the signs and symptoms of this cancer for detection and prevention before .

Colon Cancer Statistics

 Statistics on colon cancer are very useful in various ways, for both the victims and the doctor and make valuable contributions to the diagnosis and appropriate treatment of colon cancer . The result is a study of the structure of the development of cancer in the body of the victim in order to understand the approximate behavior of tumors in the future. The prognosis is closely related to life expectancy and survival rate of the victim and several aspects into account.

Statistics and prognosis in detail

Cervical cancer usually develops in the outer layers of the colon and affect cells and deep tissues after a certain period of time when the cells increase in the intensity of the infection. In addition, the abnormal cells kill healthy, functional cells to increase the extent of the infection. In general , the process of tumor development - a typical form of model in which many abnormal cells accumulate in an area to form tumors . Tumor size is increasing and after a certain period of time, some infected cells are separated from the primary tumor to be malignant polyps in other parts of the body of the victim. These tumors often metastasize through the blood cells or lymph.

The statistics relate to the welfare of the classification of cases of colon cancer , according to the pattern of growth and the number of cases that occur worldwide . It also considers issues such as age , geographic location , survival and prognosis into account before making statistics.

The prognosis is a way of calculating a period of time estimated for an individual may be able to survive after being diagnosed with colon tumors . It also focuses on the expected behavior of abnormal cells in the future so that a pattern of treating cancer of the right colon can be taken to the maximum benefit of the victim.

Statistics on colon cancer prognosis and Figures

This cancer usually develops in the elderly. Nearly 80% of all cases of colon cancer is detected in people around 65. In addition, the chances of developing the disease are lower in people under 45 years and those who undergo regular checks after 50 years can reduce the risk of disease by nearly 80 %.

This cancer is the second most common cause of cancer - death in the United States of America (USA). The disease occurs in approximately the same number of men and women . It is the third leading cause of death in men after lung cancer and prostate cancer . In addition, the disease causes more deaths after lung cancer and breast cancer in women.

U.S. only Have been detected more than 101 340 cases of colon cancer in 2011 and the incidence rate is about 1 to 20. According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 56,730 deaths from colon cancer were estimated in 2011. Among whites , it is expected that approximately 54.4 men and 40.2 women lucky enough to have the disease million . The rate was 67.7 and 51.2 for men and black women , respectively. More than 20.7 and 14.0 white men and women , respectively, and 30.5 and 20.4 black women and men, respectively per million are estimated to have suffered the death of colon cancer .

The prognosis is quite reasonable in more than 90 % in the initial phase , while it drops to about 70 % in the intermediate stages (second and third step). The same is less than 12% in the final stage, when tumors cause maximum destruction.

Statistics show more than the number of cases of colon cancer in developed countries compared to developing countries . Obesity , diabetes, high breast cancer, and inflammatory bowel disease , with high consumption of red meat and high in fat can lead to a rapid development of tumors in the colon and affect cancer prognosis Colon considerably. 

What is Cancer Staging Useful For?

Staging is used by doctors to assess how far the cancer has invaded the body and decide what are the best methods of treatment applied .
Staging of colon cancer began with the Duke classification system that consisted of three stages : A, B and C. After a while Aster - Paste made exchanges to this classification, adding one more step : the stage of development. In 1978, Gunderson and Sousing brought other changes to the classification and years ago , the Joint Committee on Cancer has developed a new NM classification called contains four steps.
Today, doctors most often use the NM classification and the Duke of staging in colon cancer .
Due phase A refers to the fact that only the cancer affects the intestinal mucosa and further receives no other structures colon .
Duke B scenario shows that the cancer has spread to the muscle layer of the colon, but not overcome .
In Duke stage B tumor got through the muscle layer of the colon.
C'S In Duke stage the cancer has reached the muscle itself and has also affected the local lymph nodes.
C'S In Duke stage tumor got through the muscular colon and the lymph nodes .
Duke stage D shows that the cancer has spread to other tissues and organs.
NM refers to tumors , lymph nodes and metastases .
T'S: The cancer has affected the mucosa and submicron as well .
T'S: The cancer has spread to the muscle itself.
T'S: The cancer has gone through the muscular and serous damage .
T'S: The cancer has affected all layers of the colon and spreads or adjacent organs .
N: not mean lymph nodes are still affected .
N : The cancer has affected the lymph nodes 1-3 .
N: The cancer is more than 4 lymph nodes.
M'S means no metastases are present .
M'S: Distant metastasis means that you can see.
Another classification is more accurate contains both the Duke and NM classification.
Stage I T'S N M'S , T'S N M'S means that the disease has spread in the inner layers of the colon, but it has not spread to other structures.
Phase II : T'S N M'S and T'S N M'S means that the structures of the colon and rectum close , but invaded the lymph nodes are clear.
Phase III: any T , N - 2 M'S refers to the fact that the lymph nodes are affected by the disease, but distant organs are safe.
Stage IV Any T, Any N , M'S means that metastasis has occurred , so that the cancer has spread to distant organs such as the lungs and liver.

cancer staging

  The colon is part of the digestive tract colon cancer signs that connects the stomach and small intestine to the anus. Colon cancer is a growth that occurs in the colon wall  colon cancer signs
 This is a very common problem worldwide , with more than 1 million new cases of the disease are diagnosed each year  colon cancer signs.
 It is believed that environmental factors such as diet and smoking, as well as genetic factors play an important role in its development  colon cancer signs.
The diagnosis of colon cancer often involves a colonoscopy , colon cancer signs an examination of the colon using an instrument called a colonoscopy which allows an assessment of the internal lining of the colon , and a biopsy or sample of cancerous tissue colon cancer signs
 Once the diagnosis of colon cancer , the extent of the disease is often determined by an X-ray test called computed tomography  colon cancer signs.
. Provides an initial assessment of the extent of the spread of cancer colon cancer staging.
 colon cancer signs Often, routine blood tests , including complete blood count ( CIBC ) , tests of liver function, called a tumor marker CENA obtained during the initial assessment colon cancer signs.
There are four stages of colon cancer. Is defined as a step if the cancerous tissue is confined to the mucosa or the colon polyp. Stage 2 colon cancer , layers of tissue cancer has invaded the colon wall but has not spread beyond the wall. Stage 3 cancer , colon cancer tissue has  
penetrated in the thickness of the colon wall and spread to nearby lymph nodes  colon cancer staging.
 In stage 4 disease , cancer has spread to other organs such as the liver colon cancer signs  colon cancer staging.
Staging of colon cancer is important for prognosis of the affected person is highly dependent on the stage of cancer  
. For example , patients diagnosed with stage 1 colon cancer have a survival rate at 5 years was 93%  colon cancer staging.
 On the other hand, those diagnosed with stage 4 cancer can only hope that the survival rate of 7 % at 5 years  colon cancer staging
For cancer has not spread , surgery is the treatment of choice colon cancer treatment
 In fact, surgery may be the only treatment necessary for patients with stage 1 or 2 disease. However, some of them in Phase 2 may elect to receive chemotherapy. After surgery , stage 3 cancer chemotherapy needed , usually for about 6 months  colon cancer staging
 The most commonly used treatment called FIFO which consists of 5 - FSU , recovering and palpating colon cancer treatment.  
 Some may also choose to receive additional treatment with a new class of therapy as Erbium or Avast. The treatment of stage 4 disease should be individualized as a complete cure is unlikely , although many also often receive surgery and chemotherapy colon cancer treatment
After these treatments , careful monitoring is recommended , even if you believe that the cancer is in complete remission . Therefore, it is recommended that periodic evaluation , including routine blood tests , including CENA , CT and colonoscopy.
The best treatment for colon cancer is prevention courses .
 The most effective and proven treatment works colonoscopy at age 50 . They are highly  
recommended for all adults of this age to have this procedure to save lives .

colon cancer staging

The survival rate of any cancer depends on early is detected and at what stage is detected. These include cancer of the colon colon cancer staging  
colon cancer stages. Medical professionals can not stress enough the importance of early detection and treatment plays in the curability of colon cancer , or any other form of cancer.
The earlier you can detect this disease , the better the prognosis colon cancer stages
 Colon cancer is very treatable and curable if detected in the previous steps.
 If you believe that you experience any signs or symptoms of this disease , you should contact your doctor immediately for an appointment colon cancer stages
If you are in a category of risk of colon cancer and never received an exam, you must contact your doctor immediately , even if you experience any signs or symptoms colon cancer stages  
This is considered a preventive measure.
All of the steps colon cancer stages
The survival rate of patients with colon cancer depends on the stage the cancer is in. Step 0 Step 1 and have a higher survival rate because they are the early stages and can be treated easily colon cancer stages  
The prognosis of these measures is higher than the survival rate of 90% for five years.
 In these stages , the cancer is detected at the exact spot where it was launched (stage 0) or only affect several layers of the colon wall (Phase I).
Stage II colon still 50 % to 85 % chance of surviving five years.colon cancer staging  
 At this stage, the cancer is now generally affects the muscle layer of the colon wall or (depending on the grading system used in step ) may affect less than three lymph nodes that are near the outside of the colon cancer staging   
Phase III of this cancer is between 20% and 50 % chance of surviving five years.colon cancer staging   
This stage of the cancer , using the NM classification system , has spread through the colon wall and is now affecting the lymph nodes and related organs colon cancer staging  
 With the new classification system , cancer affects more than four lymph nodes.colon cancer staging colon cancer staging  
 How the disease spreads making treatment more difficult and thus reduce the rate of survival.
Colon cancer stage IV is the last stage , regardless of the classification system used .colon cancer staging  
 At this stage, the cancer has usually spread to other parts of the body colon cancer staging.
 These generally include the liver and lungs colon cancer staging  At this level ,colon cancer treatment there is usually less than a 10% probability of survival five years colon cancer stages, however, because patients are different and the cancer is different for each patient, some studies show that , depending on the masses and areas that are infected ,colon cancer treatment some patients may have 20% to 30 % chance of survival five years colon cancer staging colon cancer treatment
Now you can see why early detection is very important. Contact your doctor if you feel you are experiencing any signs or symptoms of the disease or if you are in one of the risk categories colon cancer staging . It's better if you plan a regular review to help your chances of early detection

Cancerous cells and natural treatment for cancer

The implementation of a remedy against effective for the treatment of malignant tumors in the colon cancer alternative cancer rarely spoke while in the doctor's office. This is probably because once a malignancy is identified in the human body, the doctor's main objective is to simply do away with the cancerous growth or tissues in the shortest conceivable by zapping kills the cells, more real growth failure cut. Typical cancer treatments colon, such as radiation and chemotherapy do not treat the root cause. This is the main reason why countless cancer patients relapse and eventually die. This is the main factor that defines the alternative options for the treatment of cancer and other conventional cancer treatments .
The reality is that a number of people have completely cured of colon cancer alternative treatments. In fact , alternative treatments against cancer have been around for a number of years. Alternative treatments for colon cancer and other cancers have become much more common now because more and more people are tired of the health industry . Natural alternatives , however, have been around for a long time.
People do not believe in doctors and people at the same time he did. Drugs and hazardous chemicals are the norm when it comes to any traditional medical treatment of medical conditions, including cancer of the colon. But you have to wonder , with all innovations in technology and hundreds of billions of dollars spent on cancer research , drugs and each generation of remedies year , exactly why are more people who die of cancer today " Today more than ever in history?
Alternative approach to cure cancer cancer treatment using natural therapies. Holistic remedies to treat cancer of the entire body . Removing tumors provides only short-term solution . As most people know by now , the cancer continues to spread in the system if it is not the underlying cause . Whenever the cause is treated with the use of a holistic approach , the whole body , it can heal . Not only cancer cells disappear, but a number of other health problems never disappear too .
With holistic therapies for colon cancer , the doctor believes that cancer malignancy is a sign that the body is out of balance. Natural remedies help the body well, given that cancer cells can not exist and thrive in a human body is healthy and well balanced.

A variety of treatments colon cancer

If colon cancer contract will be handled by her oncologist with a variety of treatments , including surgery , chemotherapy and immunoassay. At this point, this type of cancer is not curable , only manageable.
 But this type of cancer is one that responds well to early detection is the key to preventing disease and death. In the early stages of cancer , small groups of cells called adenoma polyps form in the large intestine. If these polyps can be found and eliminated, the formation of cancer can be prevented.
There is an old saying - an ounce of prevention is better than cure . In the case of colon cancer that is indeed the case.

 Intestinal tract are responsible for moving hundreds of pounds of waste and our soft and flexible composition has been designed for this purpose.

 Unfortunately, over time, can accumulate mud against the lining of the intestine.

 The slurry consists of partially digested food , chemicals used in food processing , and refined sugars sticky residue .

 This is not just a matter of "left" to provide a fertile ground for opportunistic insects, but it may limit the natural elimination cycle and cause the development of precancerous polyps .
If you want to prevent colon cancer , you should ensure that your colon and the entire digestive system are in the best possible health.

 A good colon cleansing program based oxygen can help ensure that your bowel is removed from the mud and the colon is capable of handling waste without stress or strain .

 For optimum colon health should combine a good cleaning program with a diet that has a good amount of fiber, soluble and insoluble , and plenty of water per day to be taken

. Also, you should take advantage of moderate physical activity at least three times a week.
Although medical treatments for colon cancer have come a long way, there is still no cure .

 Early detection greatly increases your chances of surviving cancer , but why let it happen here? The best treatment is to have cancer in the first place

 Avoid risk factors such as a diet low in fiber , eating too much red meat , smoking and physical inactivity. Stay active , quitting smoking (or better yet , never start ) , eat well , drink lots of water and the health of your colon with an occasional cleaning 

Risk factors for colon cancer

                 WOW! What an important topic ! Could you repeat all the standard answers given to us by the allopathic medical community ... but you can search for yourself . And in no way am I suggesting that you should not listen to your health care professional . But I give you some ideas you may want to study and evaluate for yourself .
In my opinion, colon cancer (or any cancer) is not caused by anything "one." This is a consequence of the world in which we live, including environmental toxins are all around and eat junk food nutrition we need to be healthy. This article is intended as colon cancer causes treatment and prevention information .
The colon is the body of waste disposal. Its function is to eliminate food waste that our body can not break down , absorb and use . This collection is full of bacteria ... and if not regularly removed , the waste is allowed to sit in the colon and can lead to cancer.
Risk factors for colon cancer include age , family history , other intestinal disorders such as Cohn's disease and IBS . Diets high in fat, animal protein and refined carbohydrates appear to increase the risk. You should eat foods rich in fiber to help keep things moving along . Digestive enzymes are a great help to break down the foods you eat so that your body can use nutrition.
One of the most important things we can do to prevent cancer or any other disease is to keep our pH balance. Have you ever seen a pool that was not balanced ? The water is very dark, with a lot of bacteria and insects swimming around . Why ? The pH is out of balance. It becomes "sick" . Since our bodies are 70 % water , do you think it would be important for us to maintain this balanced " water " ?
What is pH and how we keep our balance ?
pH is " potential hydrogen " by definition. Is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. Is measured on a scale of 0 to 14 ... where 7 is neutral . Acid will be below 7 and alkali is above 7 on the scale. We keep our body in balance by eating foods high in alkalinity ... and avoid eating fatty foods. Visit our acid / alkaline food charts. We can also drink alkaline water , use alkaline drops in water or green drink every day. There are also supplements that will help keep our pH balance.
Another way to help prevent cancer is to take an enzyme called protease. Just protease digests protein . When we take meals helps to digest the protein in food ... but when it comes to meals and a higher dose , which digests protein coats cancer cells . The distribution of this protective layer will help your immune system do its job and get rid of cancer cells.
Nutritional supplements
There are many supplements that help prevent cancer. Always include whole foods vitamin and mineral supplements in your daily diet. Vitamins C and D are particularly important. There are herbal formulas that are specific for cancer. Jessica tea is one of my favorites. Selenium and vitamin E is a powerful combination. Red clover blossom is wonderful to help remove toxins and impurities from the blood . Ginger and turmeric help stop the growth of cancer tumors. I invite you to spend some time studying these wonderful herbs and formulas for you .
Did you know that cancer cells can not live in oxygen ! A doctor reported that cancer cells grow the cells are deprived of oxygen . For oxygen, try to breathe deeply the fresh air aerobic exercise or take the food peroxide hydrogen quality . You can add hydrogen to your bath water peroxide . Oxygen supplements are also available. Personally, I take every morning peroxide .
If you experience any of these symptoms, immediately take appropriate measures :
    Changes in the stool
    Blood in the stool
    Long, loose stools pencil
    Abdominal pain or bloating
    Loss of appetite
    Weight loss
    Pelvic pain
Pam Rumble , ND is a naturopath, master herbalist and certified colon therapist in the area of Nashville TN
This information is not intended as a diagnosis or treatment of a disease. I encourage you to consult your personal health to your specific needs   

Stage Colon Cancer Treatment

 Stage colon cancer diagnosis 4 leaves many people who fear for the future. , Especially if it is diagnosed at a late stage .
Many are surprised to learn that surgery , chemotherapy and radiotherapy are not the only colon cancer and stage 4 treatments. Many people have recovered from cancer, even at a stage 4 prognosis.
Survivors tell their stories on the Internet, disappointed that the conventional treatment providers know little about the options . Oncologist often recommend their patients about the alternatives, perhaps because it is beyond the scope of their training, and information provided by pharmaceutical companies.
Cancer survivor , Karan Beattie believes that pharmaceutical companies who direct and control the conventional cancer treatment , can not benefit from unpaintable of them reached the practices of most new medical treatments and then.
Only about 3% of patients with advanced cancer treated with chemotherapy survive in the long term. Conversely, some substances rate "alternative" showed long-term survival up to 70% when used alone and when used in combination, up to 90% or better.
According to Beattie, most doctors simply do not have the knowledge or training. However, some of those who are open to other approaches , new treatments have been explored and are healing slowly .
Among the treatments that have been collected , it is a nutritional supplement used by alternative practitioners to obtain a complete remission of aggressive , stage 4 cancer . Clinic had a positive response rate of 70% in stage 4 patients taking only eight teaspoons daily fee.
Another treatment using a mixture of ingredients that fight against cancer dramatic improvements achieved through step 4 medical patients.
Natural treatments for cancer that can be found in alternative medicine for cancer work . Also available is a free guide on where to seek treatment and support, as well as free options on cancer treatment .

Alternative Colon Cancer Treatments

The primary treatment for colorectal cancer is surgery. At an early stage , surgery heals.

 However, more often than not refer to medical oncologist to patients after surgery. And oncologist , from my experience of living in a developing country , asking invariably patients undergoing chemotherapy , even if cancer is "stuck" at an early stage .

 The rational is preventive or provide "protection" against future problems.

Cytological drug , furuncle , commonly called 5 - FSU is the gold standard agent used .

 This drug was discovered in 1957 by Dr. Charles Heidelberg of the University of Wisconsin. According to Joel Harman et al. ( In the pharmaceutical industry based Therapeutics) , 5 - FSU produced a partial response in 10% to 30% of patients with metastatic breast cancer and gastrointestinal tract .

 The cytological activity of 5 - FSU is enhanced when combined with agents such as recovering , interferon , ethereal , isolating, etc.

In 1975 , Dr. Charles Moet Mayo Clinic in Minnesota , USA, Found that the survival of colorectal cancer patients with Dukes C can be extended when treated with a combination of 5 - FSU and gleams . Gleams is a drug used in sheep , pigs and cattle to control the stomach and intestinal parasites. It is also commonly used to treat infections of parasitic nematodes .

In 1998, it was found that the combination of 5 - FSU and recovering has increased five-year survival of patients with colon cancer Duke B and C . Recovering is the active form of the vitamin B complex.

Based on these observations , chemotherapy was introduced as adjuvant therapy required after surgery for colorectal cancer. It is said that adjuvant chemotherapy has prolonged the survival of cancer patients . Moreover, it is said to promote the quality of life of patients ( for example , if you believe that chemotherapy is a pleasant experience ! ) .

Where 5 - FSU is not used other drugs. For example , urinate ( Campos , CPT - 11) , palpating combined with 5 - FSU , etc. A recent development is the use of chemotherapy , oral medications such as capacitation (Zelda ) and UT ( a combination tearful + racial ) .

From the foregoing, it appears that the medical treatment of the state - of - the - art of colorectal cancer is rooted in solid research data . It is the perception of the medical community would like the world to believe in.
I invite you to read one of the many stories that I recorded in my ten years of working with alternative and complementary cancer therapies . Seriously consider this story. Form your own opinion on what you want to do if you suffer from colorectal cancer.

Case Study: Colon Cancer - Surgery - refused medical treatment - in herbs , nine years and doing very well.

It was a few years ago that the last time I talked to Joan , a lawyer friend of mine.

 Then one day in January 2005, I received a surprise call Joan . As we talked I remembered that his uncle was so good in the grass after surgery for colon cancer .

 To be honest, I completely forgot about this. After the conversation, I decided to write to Bob, the son of the patient to seek clarification .

 It was really wonderful that Bob was very cooperative and took the time to answer my questions

. The following is our electronic communication.

Dear Bob , for my training, I have a few questions :

a) When your father is your cancer? What was his age then?

Bob : Towards the end of June 1997. He was then 67 years .

b ) What is cancer? Colon or rectum ?

B: colon cancer.

c ) has undergone an operation?

B : I had the operation at the Singapore General Hospital , July 4, 1997 .

d) After the operation , which makes chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or both?

B: It is not chemotherapy or radiotherapy as advised by myself after reading his book.

e ) Once I had the operation, the doctor said on the stage of the cancer ?

B : It was at the beginning of the intermediate stage . Fortunately, the cancer is detected early.

f) Is confined to the colon or cancer has spread to other organs ?

B: limited to colon cancer , but there was a spot in the left lung. Fortunately, the cancer has not spread to other organs.

g ) The doctor asks him to go to chemotherapy or radiotherapy ?

B: The doctor asked for both treatments , but I talked to my father and he decided not to because he was weak.

h) I guess when all refused medical treatment, you (not your Daddy?) came to see me in Penang ? I 'm sorry, I do not remember the case .

B: We could not see you in Penang, because my father was ill. We communicate by fax and phone most of the time . My aunt (Joan , the former lawyer) was the main coordinator during this time.

i) When you start taking the herbs ?

B : Yes! He took the herbs that have been prescribed before the operation.

j) taking something or do something else that my plants ?

B: Do not take other medicines or herbs.

k) How is it now?

B: My father is in good health , because he changed his lifestyle. Walking regularly and food consumption practices carefully .

It's been almost nine years since Bob's father was diagnosed with colon cancer .

 It was in the grass and changed his lifestyle and diet. It was really worth all the effort . I would say that Bob's father took a calculated risk ( bet some may say ) .

 This is because there has never been a bet patients to choose another path for healing. Or we could turn it upside down ? Maybe a game if one were to take the popular game established track ?

Colon Cancer Treatment - The Best Treatments For Colon Cancer

It seems like a lot more people are being diagnosed with colon cancer these days.

 Maybe it has to do with the population getting older, but there probably a lot of behavioural reasons as well. Another condition that seems to be on the rise is constipation, which over years can't be a good thing.
 If we're going to discuss the best treatments for colon cancer, we should probably go over the worst ones too.

Put up your hand if you've heard of these...chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.

 That's right. This means that the best treatments for colon cancer are, you guessed it, all natural ones.
Look at it logically for a moment.

 If you have colon cancer your goal is for it to go away and to restore your health.

 How in the world do you expect to accomplish that by pumping toxic chemicals into your bloodstream? Or by zapping your body with radiation? Or by cutting out portions of your colon and intestine? Those are there for a reason.
 And aren't we supposed to avoid radiation because it causes cancer? The whole system is upside down. Except for big drug companies who are making billions of dollars in profit by marketing these therapies. That topic can be for another time.

We're talking about all natural, non-toxic treatments that will reverse your colon cancer and restore you to good health.

 There are certain conditions where cancer thrives.

 Cancer loves low oxygen levels, and high acidity levels. It loves a chronically dehydrated body and weakened immune system.

 It loves toxins and free radicals. It loves sugar. And colon cancer in particular must really love the toxic mess left behind by years of constipation.

Your body wants to be in balance.

 If you can find natural treatments designed to reverse the conditions we just mentioned, you'll be well on your way to a cancer free colon.

 Don't leave it up to some doctor who has no choice but to push drugs and surgery. Explore the whole world of options.

 Your body deserves the best.

It you are ready to explore new options for your colon cancer, you'll find over 300 non-toxic cancer treatments when you click here now: Colon Cancer Treatment
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Treatments For Colon Cancer - What You Must Know

Treatments for colon cancer offer more choices than you might think.

You may be feeling overwhelmed right now and fearful about your future, but you can educate yourself and take some control of both your treatment and your life.

Chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation are not the only treatments for colon cancer.

You can know just as much, if not more about your condition than your oncologist.

 There is some basic information you need to start with.

All conventional cancer treatment is currently directed and controlled by drug company funds and investment.

 Competition is stifled by various organizations with financial interests in cancer treatment.
 This is well documented in various publications if you care to do a little research.

Before they die, the typical cancer patient generates many thousands of dollars in profit for cancer drug and treatment suppliers.

It is rare for oncologists to advise their patients about the dozens of available and inexpensive substances that effectively counter the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy

. Medical colleges teach doctors about drugs and surgery, so it's not surprising that many doctors simply don't know about alternatives.

 Some doctors also display closed-mindedness to treatments beyond their traditional training.

Yet of 64 surveyed oncologists on the staff at McGill Cancer Therapy Center in Montreal, found that 91% would not subject themselves or family members to chemotherapy for cancer treatment because it is too toxic and not effective.

 Despite this, 75% of cancer patients are routinely given chemotherapy as part of conventional treatment.
There are hundreds of natural, effective and gentle treatments for cancer that thousands have used to aid their recover, yet because they cannot be patented by drug companies, they do not receive publicity.

While only around 3% of metastatic cancer patients survive long-term when treated with chemotherapy, some "alternative" substances have long-term survival rates of 50-70% when used alone, while appropriate alternative substances used in combination have boosted survival rates to 90% or better.

Thousands have recovered from cancer revitalised using gentle and non-toxic treatments.

 Survivors want to share their stories, as do alternative practitioners who have repeatedly treated cancer successfully. Decide for don't have to hand over your future to others.

Natural Cancer Treatments That Work is available from Alternative Medicine for Cancer. Also available is a free guide on where to get treatment and support as well as free articles on cancer treatment options.
Treatments for Colon Cancer
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Colorectal Cancer (Colon Cancer) - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Cancers arising in the colon and rectum are called colon cancer or colorectal cancer, and are usually believed to have developed from polyps.

 Colon cancer is very common in the

Western world but is rare in Asia and Africa. Diets high in fat are believed to predispose humans to colorectal cancer whereas diets high in vegetable and high fiber foods help reduce the risk.

 Ulcerative colitis highly increases the risk for colon cancer.

 Genetic factors are also an important risk factor in this disease.

 Symptoms include fatigue, weakness, anemia, breathlessness, change in bowel habits, narrow stools, diarrhea or constipation, red or dark blood in stool, weight loss, abdominal pain, cramps and bloating.

 Surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are the standard line of treatment for this condition.
The Ayurvedic treatment of colorectal cancer is aimed at treating the main cancer, preventing or reducing its spread to other parts of the body and improving overall survival.

 Medicines used in this condition are: Arogya-Vardhini, Kanchnaar-Guggulu, Yograj-Guggulu, Triphala-Guggulu, Panch-Tikta-Ghrut-Guggulu, Punarnavadi-Guggulu, Mahamanjishthadi-Qadha, Panchamrut-Parpati and Saarivasav.

 Medicines which act on the 'Ratka' and 'Mansa' dhatus (tissues) are useful in this condition.

 These include medicines like Patol (Tricosanthe dioica), Kutki (Picrorrhiza kurroa), Saariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Patha (Cissampelos pareira), Musta (Cyperus rotundus), Triphala (Three fruits), Nimba (Azadirachta indica) and Kutaj (Holarrhina antidysentrica).

 Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Triphala (Three fruits), Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa) and Dashmool (Ten roots) are also very useful in this condition.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Yashtimadhuk (Glycerrhiza glabra), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Bhrungraj (Eclipta alba), Suvarna-Malini-Vasant, Suvarna-Parpati, Abhrak Bhasma and Heerak Bhasma are used to improve the immune status of the body.

Treatment needs to be taken for prolonged period to get good results.

 In combination with modern therapy, Ayurvedic treatment can reduce the tumor size, prevent or reduce the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy, improve the immune status of the body and prolong survival. All patients need to be under the regular care and supervision of an Oncology team.

Dr. A. A. Mundewadi is Chief Ayurvedic Physician at Mundewadi Ayurvedic Clinic based at Thane, Maharashtra, India. He is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at
The online clinic offers Ayurvedic treatment for all chronic and refractory health problems. Dr. A. A. Mundewadi uses high quality herbal extracts in tablet form, which are easy to take, effective and safe for long-term use.

Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, B.A.M.S., has clinical experience of 23 years and clinical research experience of 9 years. He has conducted extensive research in HIV infection, Schizophrenia and many other chronic diseases.
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Colon Cancer Treatment

Treatment Options

Colon and colorectal cancer treatment options depend on a number of factors.

 These include the anatomical location, the stage of the colon cancer and the patient's overall and general health.

The accepted standard treatment options for colon and rectal cancer are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

 Biological therapy is an additional colon cancer treatment option, and usually used in conjunction with other treatments.

 Surgery is sometimes combined with chemo and radiation therapy.
Colon Surgery

The most common treatment for colon cancer and the primary treatment for most patients is colon surgery. Once the cancer is located, surgery is performed to remove that section of the colon.

 The remaining sections are then reattached.

 In the case of rectal cancer the surgical resection may follow chemotherapy and irradiation treatment.

Chemotherapy, sometimes called chemo, is used to treat cancer using specific chemical agents or drugs that are selectively destructive to malignant cells.

Chemotherapy is usually started about a month after colon surgery.

For patients with colon it can be used alone.

 It is often used in combination with radiation therapy for rectal cancer patients.

 Chemotherapy is often recommended for stage 2 colon, and usually for stage 3 and stage 4 colon cancer.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy, often referred to as radiotherapy, is treatment of disease using x-rays or radioactive substances.

The radiotherapy uses X-rays to kill cancer cells that remain after surgery or shrink large tumors before an operation, thus enabling easier removal.

The aim is to destroy or cause damage to the tumor causing only minimal harm to the healthy surrounding tissues.

Biological Therapy

Biotherapy, also referred to as immunotherapy, uses the body's immune system to find and destroy cancer cells in the body.

Biological therapy has contributed to the colon cancer treatment and outcomes have improved with the use of biological agents.

 These therapies can be used to repair, stimulate and enhance the anticancer functions in the natural immune system.

 Biotherapy, an optional treatment, can be used after surgery and in combination with other cancer treatments.

Colon Cancer Treatment
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Colon Cancer Treatment Options

The earlier colon cancer is detected, the higher survival rate increase.

 It can be treated successfully with early detection so the best treatment of colon cancer is being checked regularly if you have a family history of it, fall under any of the risks factors, or are the age 50 or above.

Depending on the size of the cancer, location, overall general health, and in what stage the cancer was detected will play a factor into what type of treatment will be discussed with you through your doctor.
 The most common method of colon cancer treatment is surgical removal often followed by chemo or radiation is it is felt there is any risk of cancerous cells remaining.

 Surgical removal of cancer in the colon often results in a temporary or permanent colostomy.

Your surgeon will remove the cancer from your colon along with a certain percentage of healthy colon on each side of the cancerous growth. They will then reattach the colon.

 In many cases, if the cancer is not caught at onset, the surgeon will have to remove quiet a large section of the colon leading to the need of a permanent colostomy bag.

 A colostomy bag becomes the new exit for your bodies waste. Sometimes a patient will have to wear a temporary colostomy bag to give the colon the proper time needed to heal successfully. 

Chemotherapy or radiation may follow the surgical procedure if there is any chance that cancer cells were missed or thought to be in other areas of your body.

 Chemotherapy medications are administered either through an IV or through a pill form.
The medication kills and controls cancerous cells. If colon cancer is caught at early onset, and presents very small and isolated, your doctor may consider using just chemotherapy or radiation to eliminate the cancer.

Radiation therapy uses ionizing radiation to control malignant cancer cells either before or after surgery, or both. It can also be done solely if the colon cancer is caught early. Before surgery, it is generally used to control and/or minimize the size of the tumor to make removal of the tumor easier. After surgery it s used to eradicate any existing cancer cells that may still be present.

 The ionized radiation is applied directly to the tumor and a small amount of the surrounding healthy tissue to ensure that the entire tumor is treated.

Biological therapy is also being offered to patients with colon cancer. It is still on a research basis treatment; however, researches have been seeing significant results. Biologic therapy works with your body's immune system to eliminate cancer cells.

 Currently there are several different types of biological therapy being tested including interferons, interleukins, colony stimulating factors, monoclonal antibodies, vaccines, gene therapy, and nonspecific immune-modulating agents.

 Biological therapy can be used in conjunction of more traditional means of therapy, or depending on the stage.
 The different types of biologic therapies, in theory, are a means to wake up your own immune system to recognize the cancer cells as being a foreign object in your system and fight them off much like your immune system does when you get a virus.

 Most of the biologic therapies are used to stop the growth of cancer cells, or control or suppress the growth.

If faced with colon cancer, educate yourself to all of the options available to you and discuss them in detail with your doctor.

 If you fall in the risk factors of colon cancer such as over the age of 50, previous history of cancer, family history, or other colon/rectal related problems make sure you get regular check ups. Early detection is essential in the battle of colon cancer.

George Edmondson is an accomplished writer about colon cancer treatment For more information about colon cancer, you can visit our colon cancer help site.

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Different Stages Of Cancer Treatments For Colon

Cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases with which thousands across the world are affected.
 Different types of cancers have different signs and symptoms, and the treatment options available for these might also vary.

 As far as the colon cancer is concerned, there are different stages in which the cancer can be detected and consequently, the Cancer Treatments given might also vary.

Well, this is a very painful form of disease, and treatment is offered not only to prevent the spread of the disease but also to reduce the pain and the discomfort.

 Only after thorough diagnosis, the doctor can determine the right type of cancer, and can suggest the ideal option.

Surgery As Initial Treatment:

Surgery is considered to be the initial option for Colon Cancer Treatment. It is through surgery that the tumor in the colon is removed. However, in some types of cancers, even after surgery, some additional forms of treatments might be required, and these are mainly given in the form of therapies.

 If the doctor thinks it necessary, he will suggest the suitable option of treatment. Once the surgery is done at the right stage and the tumor is removed, the cancer can be cured.

Detecting At An Earlier Stage:

Well, it is very important that the cancer is detected at an earlier stage if the cancer treatments have to be curable.

 Unfortunately, in most cases, it is not so easy to detect the disease at an early stage.

 There are again different types of surgeries that can be carried out in order to give relief to the condition. Only the doctor can determine the right stage and the ideal surgery that can be carried out.

 While in some cases standard surgery is ideal, in others where the tumor has spread to an enormous extent, advanced and extensive surgeries might also have to be carried out in order to remove the growth of the tumor.

Once the surgery is done as part of the colon cancer treatment, the survival chances will increase. In some cases, where the rate of survival is 78%, especially in stage II, in other cases, the survival chances might be as much as 93%.

 Therefore, the doctors should be consulted, and their opinion should be taken in order to find out the right treatment option for an effective enhancement of the survival chances.

This can prove to be helpful in great ways.

Angeles Health International, Mexico's is largest private hospital network for Colon Cancer Treatment, we believe in treating the individual before targeting the cancer. For more information on Cancer Treatments Please visit: -

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How To Treat Colon Cancer?

Cancer is the name for a disease that can affect cells from all the organs and body's structures and is considered to be life threatening.

 The colon and rectum are a part of the large intestine and their function is to absorb nutrients and water from the food that passes through the intestine before it goes out of the body.

 Colorectal cancer is the disease that affects the cells from the colon and rectum creating a malign or benign tumor.

Treatment is possible for those who suffer of colon cancer.

 The treatment is based of three procedures: surgery, using radiations, and chemotherapy.

Generally the colon cancer is treated with surgery and this depends on the stage of the cancer.
 If the cancer is in an early stage then the doctor will take the tumor out by putting a tube that passes the rectum until it reaches the colon and only then cutting the tumor.

 This means that the doctor performs a local excision when the cancer is localized on a polyp than the procedure will be classified as a polypectomy.

 If the cancer is in a more advanced stage the doctor will have to cut that tumor out along with a part of the healthy colon.
 Then the two parts of healthy colon will be sewed together.

 The lymph nodes around the affected area will also be removed and analyzed at the microscope.
Sometimes the doctor can not sew the two heads of the colon and will be forced to make a hole on the surface of the body in order to create another anus, also known as a colostomy.

 This second anus will not be kept forever, it will be kept until the colon heals and can be sewed back. Sometimes if the situation is bad and the colon can not be saved, this colostomy will be permanent. The patient will further need a special bag made for collecting the body wastes.

 These bags are only for one use and are not able to be seen due to clothing and are easy to replace even by the patient.

Another procedure to treat cancer is radiotherapy.

 This therapy uses x-rays for killing cancerous cells and making the tumor stop its evolution and even shrink. Radiation therapy can be performed by special machines situated near the body and by special tubes that contain radioactive material and are placed inside the body near the intestines.

 The radiation therapy can be combined with surgery and other procedures for treating cancer.
Chemotherapy is also used in treating cancer. Chemotherapy uses pills or substances that go by vein in the organism.

 As these drugs travel the blood stream and can kill cancerous cell all over the body the chemotherapy is known to as a systemic therapy.

 Chemotherapy can be associated with surgery.

 While the surgeon removes the tumors that can be seen with by a naked eye, chemotherapy destroys those small cells that the surgeon can not remove.

Also, biological therapy can be used as it increases the forces of the organism to fight cancer and will help the body increase its defenses.

For greater resources on colon cancer [] or especially about colon cancer treatment [] please visit this link []
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