Colon Cancer Statistics

 Statistics on colon cancer are very useful in various ways, for both the victims and the doctor and make valuable contributions to the diagnosis and appropriate treatment of colon cancer . The result is a study of the structure of the development of cancer in the body of the victim in order to understand the approximate behavior of tumors in the future. The prognosis is closely related to life expectancy and survival rate of the victim and several aspects into account.

Statistics and prognosis in detail

Cervical cancer usually develops in the outer layers of the colon and affect cells and deep tissues after a certain period of time when the cells increase in the intensity of the infection. In addition, the abnormal cells kill healthy, functional cells to increase the extent of the infection. In general , the process of tumor development - a typical form of model in which many abnormal cells accumulate in an area to form tumors . Tumor size is increasing and after a certain period of time, some infected cells are separated from the primary tumor to be malignant polyps in other parts of the body of the victim. These tumors often metastasize through the blood cells or lymph.

The statistics relate to the welfare of the classification of cases of colon cancer , according to the pattern of growth and the number of cases that occur worldwide . It also considers issues such as age , geographic location , survival and prognosis into account before making statistics.

The prognosis is a way of calculating a period of time estimated for an individual may be able to survive after being diagnosed with colon tumors . It also focuses on the expected behavior of abnormal cells in the future so that a pattern of treating cancer of the right colon can be taken to the maximum benefit of the victim.

Statistics on colon cancer prognosis and Figures

This cancer usually develops in the elderly. Nearly 80% of all cases of colon cancer is detected in people around 65. In addition, the chances of developing the disease are lower in people under 45 years and those who undergo regular checks after 50 years can reduce the risk of disease by nearly 80 %.

This cancer is the second most common cause of cancer - death in the United States of America (USA). The disease occurs in approximately the same number of men and women . It is the third leading cause of death in men after lung cancer and prostate cancer . In addition, the disease causes more deaths after lung cancer and breast cancer in women.

U.S. only Have been detected more than 101 340 cases of colon cancer in 2011 and the incidence rate is about 1 to 20. According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 56,730 deaths from colon cancer were estimated in 2011. Among whites , it is expected that approximately 54.4 men and 40.2 women lucky enough to have the disease million . The rate was 67.7 and 51.2 for men and black women , respectively. More than 20.7 and 14.0 white men and women , respectively, and 30.5 and 20.4 black women and men, respectively per million are estimated to have suffered the death of colon cancer .

The prognosis is quite reasonable in more than 90 % in the initial phase , while it drops to about 70 % in the intermediate stages (second and third step). The same is less than 12% in the final stage, when tumors cause maximum destruction.

Statistics show more than the number of cases of colon cancer in developed countries compared to developing countries . Obesity , diabetes, high breast cancer, and inflammatory bowel disease , with high consumption of red meat and high in fat can lead to a rapid development of tumors in the colon and affect cancer prognosis Colon considerably. 


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