Treatments For Colon Cancer - What You Must Know

Treatments for colon cancer offer more choices than you might think.

You may be feeling overwhelmed right now and fearful about your future, but you can educate yourself and take some control of both your treatment and your life.

Chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation are not the only treatments for colon cancer.

You can know just as much, if not more about your condition than your oncologist.

 There is some basic information you need to start with.

All conventional cancer treatment is currently directed and controlled by drug company funds and investment.

 Competition is stifled by various organizations with financial interests in cancer treatment.
 This is well documented in various publications if you care to do a little research.

Before they die, the typical cancer patient generates many thousands of dollars in profit for cancer drug and treatment suppliers.

It is rare for oncologists to advise their patients about the dozens of available and inexpensive substances that effectively counter the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy

. Medical colleges teach doctors about drugs and surgery, so it's not surprising that many doctors simply don't know about alternatives.

 Some doctors also display closed-mindedness to treatments beyond their traditional training.

Yet of 64 surveyed oncologists on the staff at McGill Cancer Therapy Center in Montreal, found that 91% would not subject themselves or family members to chemotherapy for cancer treatment because it is too toxic and not effective.

 Despite this, 75% of cancer patients are routinely given chemotherapy as part of conventional treatment.
There are hundreds of natural, effective and gentle treatments for cancer that thousands have used to aid their recover, yet because they cannot be patented by drug companies, they do not receive publicity.

While only around 3% of metastatic cancer patients survive long-term when treated with chemotherapy, some "alternative" substances have long-term survival rates of 50-70% when used alone, while appropriate alternative substances used in combination have boosted survival rates to 90% or better.

Thousands have recovered from cancer revitalised using gentle and non-toxic treatments.

 Survivors want to share their stories, as do alternative practitioners who have repeatedly treated cancer successfully. Decide for don't have to hand over your future to others.

Natural Cancer Treatments That Work is available from Alternative Medicine for Cancer. Also available is a free guide on where to get treatment and support as well as free articles on cancer treatment options.
Treatments for Colon Cancer
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