Stage Colon Cancer Treatment

 Stage colon cancer diagnosis 4 leaves many people who fear for the future. , Especially if it is diagnosed at a late stage .
Many are surprised to learn that surgery , chemotherapy and radiotherapy are not the only colon cancer and stage 4 treatments. Many people have recovered from cancer, even at a stage 4 prognosis.
Survivors tell their stories on the Internet, disappointed that the conventional treatment providers know little about the options . Oncologist often recommend their patients about the alternatives, perhaps because it is beyond the scope of their training, and information provided by pharmaceutical companies.
Cancer survivor , Karan Beattie believes that pharmaceutical companies who direct and control the conventional cancer treatment , can not benefit from unpaintable of them reached the practices of most new medical treatments and then.
Only about 3% of patients with advanced cancer treated with chemotherapy survive in the long term. Conversely, some substances rate "alternative" showed long-term survival up to 70% when used alone and when used in combination, up to 90% or better.
According to Beattie, most doctors simply do not have the knowledge or training. However, some of those who are open to other approaches , new treatments have been explored and are healing slowly .
Among the treatments that have been collected , it is a nutritional supplement used by alternative practitioners to obtain a complete remission of aggressive , stage 4 cancer . Clinic had a positive response rate of 70% in stage 4 patients taking only eight teaspoons daily fee.
Another treatment using a mixture of ingredients that fight against cancer dramatic improvements achieved through step 4 medical patients.
Natural treatments for cancer that can be found in alternative medicine for cancer work . Also available is a free guide on where to seek treatment and support, as well as free options on cancer treatment .


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