Risk factors for colon cancer

                 WOW! What an important topic ! Could you repeat all the standard answers given to us by the allopathic medical community ... but you can search for yourself . And in no way am I suggesting that you should not listen to your health care professional . But I give you some ideas you may want to study and evaluate for yourself .
In my opinion, colon cancer (or any cancer) is not caused by anything "one." This is a consequence of the world in which we live, including environmental toxins are all around and eat junk food nutrition we need to be healthy. This article is intended as colon cancer causes treatment and prevention information .
The colon is the body of waste disposal. Its function is to eliminate food waste that our body can not break down , absorb and use . This collection is full of bacteria ... and if not regularly removed , the waste is allowed to sit in the colon and can lead to cancer.
Risk factors for colon cancer include age , family history , other intestinal disorders such as Cohn's disease and IBS . Diets high in fat, animal protein and refined carbohydrates appear to increase the risk. You should eat foods rich in fiber to help keep things moving along . Digestive enzymes are a great help to break down the foods you eat so that your body can use nutrition.
One of the most important things we can do to prevent cancer or any other disease is to keep our pH balance. Have you ever seen a pool that was not balanced ? The water is very dark, with a lot of bacteria and insects swimming around . Why ? The pH is out of balance. It becomes "sick" . Since our bodies are 70 % water , do you think it would be important for us to maintain this balanced " water " ?
What is pH and how we keep our balance ?
pH is " potential hydrogen " by definition. Is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. Is measured on a scale of 0 to 14 ... where 7 is neutral . Acid will be below 7 and alkali is above 7 on the scale. We keep our body in balance by eating foods high in alkalinity ... and avoid eating fatty foods. Visit our acid / alkaline food charts. We can also drink alkaline water , use alkaline drops in water or green drink every day. There are also supplements that will help keep our pH balance.
Another way to help prevent cancer is to take an enzyme called protease. Just protease digests protein . When we take meals helps to digest the protein in food ... but when it comes to meals and a higher dose , which digests protein coats cancer cells . The distribution of this protective layer will help your immune system do its job and get rid of cancer cells.
Nutritional supplements
There are many supplements that help prevent cancer. Always include whole foods vitamin and mineral supplements in your daily diet. Vitamins C and D are particularly important. There are herbal formulas that are specific for cancer. Jessica tea is one of my favorites. Selenium and vitamin E is a powerful combination. Red clover blossom is wonderful to help remove toxins and impurities from the blood . Ginger and turmeric help stop the growth of cancer tumors. I invite you to spend some time studying these wonderful herbs and formulas for you .
Did you know that cancer cells can not live in oxygen ! A doctor reported that cancer cells grow the cells are deprived of oxygen . For oxygen, try to breathe deeply the fresh air aerobic exercise or take the food peroxide hydrogen quality . You can add hydrogen to your bath water peroxide . Oxygen supplements are also available. Personally, I take every morning peroxide .
If you experience any of these symptoms, immediately take appropriate measures :
    Changes in the stool
    Blood in the stool
    Long, loose stools pencil
    Abdominal pain or bloating
    Loss of appetite
    Weight loss
    Pelvic pain
Pam Rumble , ND is a naturopath, master herbalist and certified colon therapist in the area of Nashville TN
This information is not intended as a diagnosis or treatment of a disease. I encourage you to consult your personal health to your specific needs   


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