Alternative Colon Cancer Treatments

The primary treatment for colorectal cancer is surgery. At an early stage , surgery heals.

 However, more often than not refer to medical oncologist to patients after surgery. And oncologist , from my experience of living in a developing country , asking invariably patients undergoing chemotherapy , even if cancer is "stuck" at an early stage .

 The rational is preventive or provide "protection" against future problems.

Cytological drug , furuncle , commonly called 5 - FSU is the gold standard agent used .

 This drug was discovered in 1957 by Dr. Charles Heidelberg of the University of Wisconsin. According to Joel Harman et al. ( In the pharmaceutical industry based Therapeutics) , 5 - FSU produced a partial response in 10% to 30% of patients with metastatic breast cancer and gastrointestinal tract .

 The cytological activity of 5 - FSU is enhanced when combined with agents such as recovering , interferon , ethereal , isolating, etc.

In 1975 , Dr. Charles Moet Mayo Clinic in Minnesota , USA, Found that the survival of colorectal cancer patients with Dukes C can be extended when treated with a combination of 5 - FSU and gleams . Gleams is a drug used in sheep , pigs and cattle to control the stomach and intestinal parasites. It is also commonly used to treat infections of parasitic nematodes .

In 1998, it was found that the combination of 5 - FSU and recovering has increased five-year survival of patients with colon cancer Duke B and C . Recovering is the active form of the vitamin B complex.

Based on these observations , chemotherapy was introduced as adjuvant therapy required after surgery for colorectal cancer. It is said that adjuvant chemotherapy has prolonged the survival of cancer patients . Moreover, it is said to promote the quality of life of patients ( for example , if you believe that chemotherapy is a pleasant experience ! ) .

Where 5 - FSU is not used other drugs. For example , urinate ( Campos , CPT - 11) , palpating combined with 5 - FSU , etc. A recent development is the use of chemotherapy , oral medications such as capacitation (Zelda ) and UT ( a combination tearful + racial ) .

From the foregoing, it appears that the medical treatment of the state - of - the - art of colorectal cancer is rooted in solid research data . It is the perception of the medical community would like the world to believe in.
I invite you to read one of the many stories that I recorded in my ten years of working with alternative and complementary cancer therapies . Seriously consider this story. Form your own opinion on what you want to do if you suffer from colorectal cancer.

Case Study: Colon Cancer - Surgery - refused medical treatment - in herbs , nine years and doing very well.

It was a few years ago that the last time I talked to Joan , a lawyer friend of mine.

 Then one day in January 2005, I received a surprise call Joan . As we talked I remembered that his uncle was so good in the grass after surgery for colon cancer .

 To be honest, I completely forgot about this. After the conversation, I decided to write to Bob, the son of the patient to seek clarification .

 It was really wonderful that Bob was very cooperative and took the time to answer my questions

. The following is our electronic communication.

Dear Bob , for my training, I have a few questions :

a) When your father is your cancer? What was his age then?

Bob : Towards the end of June 1997. He was then 67 years .

b ) What is cancer? Colon or rectum ?

B: colon cancer.

c ) has undergone an operation?

B : I had the operation at the Singapore General Hospital , July 4, 1997 .

d) After the operation , which makes chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or both?

B: It is not chemotherapy or radiotherapy as advised by myself after reading his book.

e ) Once I had the operation, the doctor said on the stage of the cancer ?

B : It was at the beginning of the intermediate stage . Fortunately, the cancer is detected early.

f) Is confined to the colon or cancer has spread to other organs ?

B: limited to colon cancer , but there was a spot in the left lung. Fortunately, the cancer has not spread to other organs.

g ) The doctor asks him to go to chemotherapy or radiotherapy ?

B: The doctor asked for both treatments , but I talked to my father and he decided not to because he was weak.

h) I guess when all refused medical treatment, you (not your Daddy?) came to see me in Penang ? I 'm sorry, I do not remember the case .

B: We could not see you in Penang, because my father was ill. We communicate by fax and phone most of the time . My aunt (Joan , the former lawyer) was the main coordinator during this time.

i) When you start taking the herbs ?

B : Yes! He took the herbs that have been prescribed before the operation.

j) taking something or do something else that my plants ?

B: Do not take other medicines or herbs.

k) How is it now?

B: My father is in good health , because he changed his lifestyle. Walking regularly and food consumption practices carefully .

It's been almost nine years since Bob's father was diagnosed with colon cancer .

 It was in the grass and changed his lifestyle and diet. It was really worth all the effort . I would say that Bob's father took a calculated risk ( bet some may say ) .

 This is because there has never been a bet patients to choose another path for healing. Or we could turn it upside down ? Maybe a game if one were to take the popular game established track ?


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