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Know About Colon Cancer

Symptoms of colon cancer at an early stage usually go unnoticed and unnoticed by most people and are these reliable sources that cause the disease to spread freely.

 Colon cancer is the second leading cause of death among all cancers.

People over fifty years are at high risk of developing colorectal cancer should be aware of the symptoms of colon cancer.

 It should be considered early this disease develops in stages, and the sooner the diagnosis is made , most likely, better than one.

Although colon cancer is mainly common among people over fifty years younger with a family history of cancer are also at risk of developing this disease .

 However, the age factor remains a major risk factor for most cancers, including colon cancer. Anyone over fifty years is more likely to have symptoms of colon cancer, and is also very likely that years before diagnosis were devoted to a pre- cancerous condition .

 This is why medical professionals use the term " risk factor" .

 If a large number of risk factors that puts you in a category must obtain an examination by the doctor.

 Some of the common risk factors for colon cancer include age over fifty years , personal history of breast cancer, endometrial , rectum , ovary or colon , history of colon polyps or family history of cancer of any kind .

 Having a brother who had colitis or inflammation of the colon or colon cancer also puts you in the high risk category .

The most common of all symptoms in a person with colon cancer include changes in stool or changes in regularity , blood in the stool or rectal bleeding .

 Other symptoms that may occur include vomiting , weakness and loss of appetite , pain or cramps in the abdomen , abdominal pain and jaundice.

 The most characteristic of all the symptoms of colon cancer is the absence of any symptoms. Most symptoms occur in advanced stages of the disease ,

 and the growth depends on the location 

Bowel Cancer Symptoms

Colon cancer or colorectal cancer is the innermost current that occurs in humans.
 Colon cancer is the second most common cause of death after lung cancer .
 Generally , the colon cancer occurs in the colon ( large intestine ) , and rectum ( anus ) . However, a very small number of cases of this disease , it can also occur in the small intestine. Often , colorectal cancer develops from polyps that develop within the mucosa of the intestinal wall .

 When polyps become malignant , they turn into cancer. If not treated , the colon cancer may grow through the wall of the intestine and spreads to other body parts.

When death occurs most often in an advanced stage of the disease, the chances of recovery for this type of cancer is very high if it is detected at an early stage .

 Successful recovery may be more than 90 % of all cases .

The first symptoms of mild intestinal problems bowel cancer such as constipation , gas, etc. are similar. It is very important that you notice changes in your bowel habits and digestion and seek medical help ...

If you have any of the following symptoms for three weeks or more , it could be a sign of colorectal cancer, and you should see your doctor immediately. These symptoms include :

- The rectal bleeding

Your anus is bleeding for no apparent reason .

 The blood can be found in the stool or on toilet paper after a bowel movement . Along with this, you can also find other symptoms such as lumps , itching , effort and pain around the anus . Hemorrhoids can also cause the same symptoms. Make a habit of looking into the ship before departure to observe these symptoms.

- Changes in travel habits intestine

You may suffer from constipation or diarrhea due to constant alteration of muscles. Constipation is usually followed by a feeling of not being completely empty, even if it has already passed the stool. Meanwhile , diarrhea causes more frequent bowel movements, and often very clear gelatinous mucus.

- Pain in the abdominal area

Abdominal pain can be constant or periodic .

 For some people, that does not always disappear . For others, it comes and goes at unexpected times . When the pain becomes severe, you should contact your doctor for immediate assistance .

- Anemia

If it bleeds often pass a stool, there is a possibility that you have anemia .

 This shows how unexpected fatigue and shortness of breath.

- A piece found in the abdomen or stomach , especially on the right side.

- Unexplained and unexpected weight loss , often associated with unexplained loss of appetite. 

Colon Cancer

More than 108,000 people are estimated to be diagnosed with colon cancer in 2010.
 Nearly one third or more die from the same disease.

 It is one of the deadliest forms of cancer due to their usually late symptoms and their ability to spread to other organs so quickly.

 The best prevention is to recognize the changes in your body that could be a sign of this disease.

Colon cancer , which is formed in the large intestine , is a group of cells that grow on the cell walls of the colon.

 Once it has penetrated into the wall, and then you can usually go to nearby organs that do not help the treatment of this cancer. The spread is the most commonly diagnosed liver.

So what makes this type of cancer may ask?

This type of cancer is mainly caused by hereditary diseases, but it is not the only cause of this disease. African Americans are known to be more prone to this type , as well as any nationality who choose to eat a diet rich in fats.

You know what they say, everything causes cancer these days it is always better to live and eat as naturally as possible . All these extra ingredients will certainly not help and I have the feeling that other types of food does not help either.

What are the main symptoms?

The main problem here is that once the symptoms are displayed , it is generally at a more advanced stage . However, this does not mean that you can not fight like a vast majority fought the disease and survive until today

. The main concern is to get it before it has a chance to spread to any body or nearby lymph nodes .

Common symptoms include :

A change in bowel habits .

Blood in the stool .

Loss of appetite.

Pain increasingly difficult to stomach .

Lack of energy.

Prevent Colon Cancer

Studies are now on the best way to prevent colon cancer , more and more people are diagnosed with this disease at present
. It was found that colon cancer usually begins in the large intestine , also known as the colon or rectum . Colon cancer is then developed from dead cells that accumulated in a package for a period of time .
 The risk of cancer increases by two points if you have a background in medical genetics parents or relatives who have been diagnosed with colon cancer.

 The research also showed that colon cancer is compounded by poor diet, such as ready meals and fast food.

Therefore, it is essential that you seek the advice of your doctor if you feel the discomfort of the symptoms of colon cancer
. Symptoms to watch for include unhealthy intestinal occurrence such as diarrhea , constipation or intestinal infection, pain in the abdomen, blood in the stool , narrow stools , anemia , intestinal obstruction and weight loss drastically.

Prevention is better than cure. So you really should consider these 5 ways on the best way to prevent colon cancer :

A . The adoption of healthy lifestyles .
 Colon cancer usually develops over a length of time before it really shows . So you should not wait until you experience symptoms of colon cancer before the start adopting healthy habits. Eat healthy foods , exercise, and get enough sleep .

If your diet contains too many red and rich in low fat meat fiber , you are certainly a higher risk of developing colon cancer risk. Fat accumulates in the walls of the intestine and rectum, the formation of clusters of dead cells. Therefore , you must take a balanced natural diet that includes plenty of vegetables , fruits and water .

Exercise helps in removing toxins and wastes that accumulate elsewhere in the body can cause a cancerous tumor.

Two . Knowing your family 's medical history
. It seems that colon cancer is a genetic disease that is inherited. Therefore, if you belong to the category of high risk due to family history , then you should take extra precautions for a healthy life.

Three . Quit smoking. Smoking of the chain increases the risk of developing colon cancer. Inhalation snuff can easily transfer carcinogen ( cancer agent ) to the colon and the rectum , causing colon cancer . Therefore, do not hesitate to find ways to stop smoking.

April. Reduce exposure to radiation. Excessive exposure to radiation has been found to cause cancer of the colon. Radiation rays are harmful and can cause abnormal normal healthy cells

. By all means , avoid unnecessary X -rays, CT scans, mammography so that you can better prevent colon cancer .

May If you find that you are experiencing symptoms such as skin allergies , weak immune system , poor stool, bloating, etc. , then you may have excess toxins in your body . Consider colon cleansing as a way to detox .
 There are two ways to do colon cleansing .
 These include herbs consumers for colon cleansing and colon hydrotherapy .

cancer or colorectal

Also known as colon cancer or colorectal cancer ) is a type of cancer that affects the last section of the gastrointestinal tract (typically the colon or rectum )

. Ovex is responsible for 60,000 deaths each year and is one of the most dangerous around Therefore cancers. There are a number of symptoms that may indicate you have cancer of the intestine
. In this article I will discuss the signs and symptoms, and hopefully give you the information to identify this condition sooner than later.

Unlike other conditions that symptoms are often clear and easy to identify the symptoms of colon cancer are often vague and difficult to detect. Cancer becomes more advanced and the tumor grows , symptoms become more noticeable .

 However , this time is often more difficult to effectively treat cancer.

 That is why it is essential for you to be looking for signs of bowel cancer at all times.
 This way you can greatly improve your chances of identifying colorectal cancer and early treatment.
 There are many symptoms associated with this type of cancer , but I 'Ave given you four of the most common .

1: - This is probably the number one symptom of colon cancer. With this type of cancer tumor that develops in the last part of the digestive system .

 Therefore, if the tumor bleeds a little of the blood usually leaves the rectum or bowel movements.
 Bleeding is usually not important, but if you notice any at all then you should inform your doctor immediately.

2) stomach pain - If the tumor grows large enough, it can cause a blockage in the colon.
 This obstruction can prevent solids, liquids or gases to pass through the intestine which then leads to cramps and pain. In the worst cases, the tumor can grow while crossing the intestinal wall causing severe pain in the stomach.

 Although stomach pains associated with several conditions, prolonged pain could be a sign of colon cancer .
 If you feel this pain for a long time to see your doctor immediately.

3) DIFFERENT stool : - If the tumor grows , it can also have an impact on your stool. The blockade created by a large tumor may prevent the passage of stool through the colon leading to constipation (difficulty passing stools)
. It can also cause a buildup of fluid behind the tumor finally escapes by drivers diarrhea ( difficulty controlling your bowel movements due to loose stools have become ) .

 If you notice unusual stool , especially over long periods , which could be a sign of colorectal cancer , you should consult your doctor.

4) unexpected weight loss : - Sometimes , tumors release chemicals that increase your metabolism and cause you more calories than usual burn.

 Therefore, if you encounter an unexpected or unexplained loss of weight, you should consult your doctor test for cancer and bowel is reached. Even if weight loss is not related to cancer is always advisable to consult your doctor, as the weight loss that can not be explained is likely to have an underlying cause .

As you can see in this article the symptoms of colon cancer are not always obvious and easy to identify. However, I hope this article has shown you some of the things you should look out for. Colon cancer is much more treatable if caught in the early stages , so if you notice any of the symptoms above do not take risks . Go see your doctor immediately and get a professional verdict. 

Risks of Colon Cancer

Cancer occurs when something goes wrong with this system , causing uncontrolled cell division and growth.

Colon cancer is cancer of the large intestine (colon ), the lower part of your digestive system. Most cases of colon cancer begin as small, noncancerous clumps (benign) cells called adenoma polyps . Rectal cancer is cancer of the last 6 inches of the colon.

 Together, often called as colorectal cancer .

Colorectal cancer is the second most common cause of cancer in general and the third most common cause of cancer death in U.S.
 men and women
. Who is at risk for colorectal cancer. Men tend to develop colorectal cancer at a younger age than women , but women live longer to catch up to men and therefore the total number of cases in men and women are equal .

 Women diagnosed with uterine or ovarian cancer before age 50 have a higher risk of colorectal cancer. Women with a personal history of breast cancer have only a slightly increased risk of colorectal cancer.

 The average age of colorectal cancer is 70 years , and 93% of cases occur in people aged 50 or more. You have a higher risk of colon cancer risk if you :

Cancer elsewhere in the body .

Polyps colorectal disease

Family history of colon cancer

Personal history of breast cancer

Ulcerative colitis .

Colorectal Cancer Symptoms vary depending on the location of the cancer of the colon or rectum , although there may be no symptoms at all.

 The most common symptom of colorectal cancer is the rectal bleeding . Cancers arising from the left colon generally cause bleeding, or at an advanced stage can cause constipation , abdominal pain and obstructive symptoms .

 In addition , lesions of the right colon may cause vague abdominal pain , but is likely to present an obstruction or altered bowel habits . Other symptoms, such as weakness, weight loss or anemia resulting from chronic blood loss may accompany cancer of the right of the decimal .

The first step to avoiding this disease is prevention with regular tests at the doctor, but there are other ways around this disease between examinations .

 However, it appears that the increase of the fiber content in the Western diet would be useful in the primary prevention of colorectal cancer .

 It is recommended that messages that promote physical activity for at least 30-45 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity most days of the week are included in interventions for primary prevention of cancer.

 The prevalence of the population to meet the physical activity criteria proposed for the prevention of colon cancer is low and much lower than the recommendations for broader public health.

Our bodies need plenty of calcium and not only for the formation of strong bones. Prevention of colon cancer is one of the most interesting uses for calcium .
 However, instead of using calcium supplements , this study was based on low-fat dairy products provide 1,200 mg of calcium per day .

 The researchers found that calcium reduces the incidence of changes in the cells lining the colon , which is often observed in the early stages of cancer of the colon.

 An important protective factor is the provision of adequate calcium in the diet during the period of maximum growth ( ages 9-25 years) , the mass of bone adequately maximum is achieved by age 20-30 years, and continued until mid - life , bone loss is just slow in the following years.
 As indicated above, the dietary surveys show a significant difference between the recommended calcium intake and actual consumption in the United States in the critical years of adolescence and adulthood and later in life.

It is believed that the time for a comprehensive scientific review of cereal fortification of cereals with calcium and vitamin D as a safe and useful for the reduction of osteoporosis and colon cancer in the United States inexpensive way is came men and women.
 Learn more about the risks of colon cancer in women and men 

Anemia and Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is a serious health problem in this country.

 Unfortunately, there may be several obvious signs until the disease has progressed .
 However anemia and colon cancer are often closely related, so here is some important information to keep in mind about this.

If a person develops this type of cancer usually begins as a polyp becomes cancerous and begins to grow. As they grow , it begins to block the colon and makes it much more difficult to produce stool full size .

A common symptom is anemia or low red blood cell count .
 Note that anemia can occur for a variety of reasons , so if you become anemic and not immediately jump to the conclusion that he developed .

 Medical research has suggested that patients with anemia , it is important to consider your ferreting , as may be associated with an increased incidence of colon cancer.

However, it is a sign of significant warning and you should immediately consult a doctor to determine the cause.

 As mentioned earlier, this type of anemia can be caused by many factors , but your provider may perform tests to determine the cause and implement the best treatment for this problem.

If your doctor suspects colon cancer , probably perform a sigmoid or colonoscopy.

 For this test , the doctor may look inside the colon and detect and remove polyps .
 If it is something more serious, then start further processing. 

Finding Out If You Have Colorectal Cancer

The only way to know if you have colorectal cancer is a biopsy of the area of the colon or rectum shown in cancer.

 These tests can be performed by a surgeon or Gastroenterologist colon and rectum.

 What are the symptoms you should send one of these specialists for tests?

Often the first symptom is bright red rectal bleeding .

 This does not always mean you have colon cancer , but you should consult a doctor for this symptom as colorectal cancer often bleed .

 If the cancer is far from simple instead of bright red bleeding, a sign of colon cancer is dark, tarry stools , another symptom that you should be sent directly to the physician .

Bleeding in the gut leads to low blood count or anemia.

 A symptom of anemia is the lack of energy. In any unexplained anemia should be considered as a diagnosis of colon cancer .

New onset constipation is another symptom . As the cancer grows begins to block the gut to the stool can not pass .

 With certain types of cancers of the colon , diarrhea can also be a symptom .
 Diarrhea that does not resolve in a few days should also be studied .

When the intestinal tract is partially or completely blocked, a feeling of fullness , loss of appetite and weight loss can be a result .

These are symptoms of colon cancer until proven otherwise .

Rectal bleeding bright red, the black and tarry stools , fatigue, constipation , diarrhea ongoing weight loss , lack of appetite, and a feeling of fullness can be symptoms .

 It is important to seek medical help if you have a data or a combination of these symptoms as they may be symptoms of colon cancer.

 The only way to know that you have colorectal cancer is to see a doctor who can diagnose the cause of symptoms. 

Cancer cells and causes symptoms

Cancer is a disease in which normal cells in the body by abnormal growth .

 These cells divide without control.
 It can develop in almost any organ in your body .
 These colon, lung, breast , skin , and even bone . It also goes with the genre for common cancer in men is prostate, lung and colon , while in women is breast, colon and lung.

Cancer is caused by pesticides used in agriculture and the family home , so , to protect against malaria, which causes more damage to your body.

 Other causes include radiation, sunlight, snuff tobacco ( first or second hand) , benzene, certain viruses and poisonous mushrooms are mostly found in peanut plants.
 But some causes of cancer are still unknown.

Diet plays a very important because you find the common gastric cancer in Japan, also in parts of Africa, where most people consume chicken fast food which is injected in a month due role .

 However, a report shows that the most deadly in the world is lung cancer

. Recent studies and reports show how our society as a whole experienced a heavier and chubby growth, which is one of the causes of cancer.

Other cancers are the kidneys, skin , brain , bone , cervix , bowel , leukemia , liver, ovarian , pancreatic cancer and Hodgkin's lymphoma .

 Cancer Symptoms vary depending on the location of the tumor, and the causes of lung cancer with cough , difficulty breathing or chest pain. Colon cancer instead cause diarrhea , constipation and blood in the stool .

Did you know that some cancers may not have any symptoms at all know?
 While others , such as gallbladder cancer , symptoms often do not start until the disease has reached an advanced stage ? Common general symptoms include sudden weight loss , malaise, loss of appetite , fever , persistent fatigue, night sweats, chills and skin changes .

colon cancer Cancer cells grow

Early detection of this form of cancer is somewhat difficult to diagnose because the symptoms associated with it are similar to those that occur in the case of abdominal diseases routine irritable bowel or diarrhea . Colon cancer or colon cancer is a cancer that affects the large intestine or colon and rectum in men , however , the human body gives some indication when something goes wrong.
 This is also the case here .

When no discomfort whatsoever, look at the following :

* Blood in the stool - This is an indicator of the confidence that something is wrong inside shot .
 It is clearly stated in the stomach and intestinal tract to the rectum well . Indicators may be associated rectal bleeding (which can be interpreted as a result of batteries ) or stool even reddish .

 It can also indicate the early stage of cancer.
Diarrhea - Dining evil , excess and usually eat unhealthy foods cause diarrhea .

 However , the human body has built mechanisms to get rid of the infection with natural medicine .
 If the infection shows no signs of slowing down , even after three weeks , it should be examined by a doctor for more serious causes .

* Persistent change in bowel habits - An increase in the frequency of bowel movements with softer stools for a long life.
 More important is the research of pus and blood in the stool .
 Feces can also show liquid stools instead of its normal size.

* Constipation - As cancer cells continue to grow , they tend to start blocking the intestines. Accordingly , there will be persistent pain in the abdomen .

 This may be accompanied by vomiting and a feeling of swelling in the navel area .

* Pain and discomfort - usually when there is flatulence and stomach cramps , no pain in the abdomen.
 For colon cancer , symptoms can flare and pain may accompany the movement during the actual intestine.

* Anemia - As cancer cells grow , they cause internal bleeding that occurs during defecation .
 Therefore, a continuous loss of blood resulting from weakness, fatigue and shortness of breath occurs.

* Weight Loss - This is a common phenomenon in most all forms of cancer.

 This is one of the initial addition of blood in stool , abdominal pain and persistent diarrhea symptoms .

* Fullness - A feeling of fullness that makes a person wants to pass stool in a short period of time since the last visit, but no bowel movement occurs.

There are other cancers that may cause similar symptoms and is not necessary for all or some of the symptoms mentioned above points to a cancer of the intestine immediately .

 But if in doubt , it is best to consult your doctor and get to the root of the problem.

A blockage in the digestive tract - Can it Lead to Colon Cancer

intestinally obstruction or blockage of the intestine in the digestive tract is a deterioration of the intestines or simply stop the passage of contents through the intestine .

 This leads to digestive problems such as abdominal pain " cramps " , vomiting, vomiting green vomit and fecal ( stool - like vomit ) and constipation , inability to release stool, mucus or blood-tinged mucus and gelatinous passage shock.

When there is a blockage in the small or large intestine, bowel occlusion can lead to colon cancer .

The large intestine consists of the colon and rectum.

The colon is the portion where stool is formed while the rectum is one which flushes the excretory system of the body in the anal canal .

 For the blockage occurs in the small intestine is called SB , while the obstruction is known as colon colonic obstruction.

There are several causes of intestinal obstruction.

The three most common are adhesions , hernias and cancerous tumors . Adhesions are bands of scar tissue that form within the abdomen after injury or surgery.

Hernia develops when part of the intestine than a weakness in the abdominal wall .

 Bowel obstruction can also be the result of oculus , the presence of foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal tract, intensification , birth defects and infections.

Intestinal obstruction of the large bowel obstruction or colon is less common for small intestinal obstruction . Bowel obstruction is usually caused by cancer of the colon.

Although the obstruction of the bowel can be treated with intravenous fluids and decompression of the bowel , colon cancer , and the surgical treatments are necessary .

If it is left untreated for a prolonged period can lead to death .

 This is why a proper diagnosis of intestinal obstruction is necessary because it can help prolong their life.

Billions of cells are part of our body.

These cells grow, divide and die . When something goes wrong with this system of cells can lead to cancer. This is the cancer causing uncontrolled cell growth and division .

 These cancer cells agglomerate and form a mass of tissue called a cancerous tumor. When cancer cells are present in the colon , of course, colon cancer is a threat to the room of existence .

Colon cancer usually shows no signs or symptoms , except for a bowel obstruction .

 People with a family history of colon cancer are those who are more susceptible to the disease . This also applies to people with ulcers long .

 These risks, however, can be avoided by eating less fat and more fiber.

Intestinal obstruction or symptoms should not be taken lightly. Get an instant response , such as diagnostic tests and abdominal radiographs.

 Treatment includes the fluid resuscitation , Asiatic suction and , in the most severe cases , surgery and chemotherapy ;

Cancer of The Colon Chronic Constipation

Chronic constipation , colitis and colon cancer were rare diseases when people ate natural foods while retaining fluids , minerals and vitamins.

 Constipation is common today because we eat too much on refined foods .

Many people are obsessed with the need to have a daily bowel action , but the individual pattern of stools can vary from three times a day to three times a week.

The accepted medical definition of constipation at least three days between bowel movements and the passage of very dry stools .

 When a person is constipated at least three days between bowel movements and the passage of very dry stools .

 When a person is constipation , waste stagnating inside the intestines and poisonous toxins are absorbed by the system. Chronic intestinal causes of many diseases.

In addition to poison the system, a lower portion of distended bowel can cause or aggravate hemorrhoids , varicose veins and swollen ankles .

 Because of constipation symptoms , including headaches , spots , colds , catarrh , irritation, lack of appetite to eat , pale skin, coated tongue , bad breath , bloating and body odor .

Most people suffer from constipation because they are administered with laxatives in childhood and his bowels become independent use .

 Other causes are lack of fiber which gives the volume, power is not enough liquid , pregnancy , obesity, hard water, or painful hemorrhoids issues and lack of exercise and bad habits bowel .

Neural factors such as stress , anxiety , fear and pressed continuously can cause constipation as well. Serious cause tightens the lower end of the intestine caused by inflammation , tumor or infected feces .

 Flogging a normally functioning gut can stimulate bowel action but produce constipation after

To avoid chronic constipation, drink eight glasses of pure water a day or more fruits like prunes , cereals, a variety of salads and raw vegetables and fruits lightly cooked every day.

 Avoid all sugars , sweets, white flour products , processed and refined foods that can cause constipation .

 Improve your abs while walking and jogging , gardening and keep fit exercises muscles. Train your bowels to perform regularly after breakfast and give enough time to get up early in the morning.

It may take several weeks to restore normal bowel action , but worth it .

 Overcoming Chronic constipation is health insurance. You will have a better and more energy while your eyes will be clearer and glowing skin .

Colon Cancer:

Little known facts about colon cancer : know , Stay Alive

Lately , many people tend to associate the word "cancer" to "death" as synonyms to each other . In fact, people immediately think of death before you even know the details and the details of the current health status of a person.

 Perhaps this is due to the alarming threat of fatal disease that can affect anyone from all walks of life - regardless of age and gender.

While the number of patients with cancer continues to grow every day, it is important to always keep the faith , considering that there is still hope -

 there are ways to diagnose, treat , and even prevent this chronic disease . Consciousness really matters.

Colorectal cancer, also called colon cancer (or rectal or bowel cancer ) is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers but the most misunderstood. With the fact that it is a deadly form of cancer, it is recommended that everyone (especially patients) to get to the bottom of this health problem .

 And that means not only know more about it , but also learn to save his life .

Colon Cancer Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of colon cancer
Although colon cancer can be life threatening , is known as one of the curable forms if they are caught early .

 Therefore , knowledge of signs and symptoms of colon cancer can help prevent the progression of the disease and may help a patient to minimize pain and discomfort caused by the symptoms .

The signs and symptoms of colon cancer

• abnormal bowel habits
• diarrhea, constipation , or alternating series of two
• The feeling that the bowel does not empty completely
• Blood in the stool
• Narrow stools
• As gas pains , bloating or abdominal cramps malaise
• Unexplained weight loss and involuntary
• constant fatigue
• Vomiting

Some of these symptoms are not common so they usually do patients come to medical professionals. This increases the number of cases with the cure time .

How to deal with these symptoms?

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is best to consult a health care professional as soon as possible. This will increase your chances of recovery. When you approach a doctor with signs and symptoms of colon cancer , it rule out other possible causes of symptoms.
To arrive at an accurate diagnosis , the doctor will record your medical history and ask many questions.

 You will also be asked to undergo a complete physical examination and other tests such as barium enema or a series of low GI and colonoscopy .

 Both tests give their doctors a closer look at your large intestine and colon for abnormalities .

If other possible causes are negative, your doctor will then check for the presence of cancer cells.

 This is usually done through a biopsy or removal of a small amount of colon tissue so that the tissue can be examined for cancer cells .

What to do when she was diagnosed with colon cancer ?

Once the doctor diagnosed his illness as colon cancer , you will be provided with treatment options that are most appropriate for the severity of their disease.

The main types of treatment are surgery , radiation therapy , chemotherapy , or a combination thereof. You will also be given medication to control the signs and symptoms of colon cancer. As the disease progresses , these symptoms will progress in severity as well.

 Therefore , this makes it even more important to get an early diagnosis of the disease so that the treatment can be provided timely .

When detected early , the disease can be easily treated by surgical removal of the cancerous colon tumor .

 However, this approach is only possible if the disease is still in its initial phase.

The surgery is performed by inserting a tube through the rectum into the bowel and remove the tumor . If a polyp is found, the operation is called a polyp .

 If the cancer is at a late stage , however , surgical excision is not sufficient to remove all affected cells , which have already reached this stage .

 Therefore , early detection , through the signs and symptoms of colon cancer , it is vital .

What is Colon Cancer ?

Most people have heard that colon cancer is one of the most common cancers in the Western world . But most people do not have a good understanding of what it is or what it happens. Many times in life we ​​learn many complex things simple things to remember in health class in high school look like much , but a mystery to us .

The problem is that very often , in our busy lives , we do not recognize the symptoms and when problems start to occur. Colon cancer is a good example.

 In short, the colon is the part of the digestive tract that stores the waste and then be excreted through the anus into the rectum.

Colon cancer is also classified as the large bowel cancer or colorectal cancer , which can infer something must face the rectum. In this sense, implies the occurrence of abnormalities in tissues of colon cancer , which affects the rectum and appendix.

 These tissue abnormalities are more commonly known under the name of attending adenoma polyps of the colon and inner walls are of similar form to that of fungi .

 As these polyps are considered simple in the beginning , its development in malignant abnormalities is what is considered colon cancer .

 For this reason, it is recommended colonoscopy so there may be early detection of these polyps can be removed before they cause more serious problems .

 Importantly, the researchers found that many colon cancers arise from polyps found were not treated develop over time .

The most dangerous is the disease that causes damage to the tissues and organs of the one, the building blocks of the body.

 Thus, the liver and lungs may also be affected , turn off the important digestive system and it is difficult for the person to breathe effectively.

 This metastases at an advanced stage in the process is the latest sign that there is no turning back treatment and , unfortunately, the result would be death.

Certainly, this can not underestimate the statistical reports conclude that more than 650,000 people die each year from cervical cancer , with Western companies with the most common cases.

Rarely performed in Africa and Asia.

The head of this statistic is the United States , which considers the disease as the fourth most common cancer and the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths .

Other useful for anyone interested in the topic of colon cancer that can be treated with surgery and chemotherapy in the worst case information.

 Now I 'LL leave you with something to think about colon cancer that has not been mentioned before to generate interest for further reading.

 Thus, more caution and action may be taken if you happen to have this deadly disease.
 The chain genes are damaged colon finally developing this type of cancer, particularly the APAC gene.

 What do you think of the effect it will have on the body as well as the children of these people ? More reason to be early and often preventive examinations .

Colon Cancer causes

If you suffer from hemorrhoids and are concerned about whether this condition can lead to colon cancer , you can read this article to help put some of your fears .

To understand the differences between the two and whether or not there is a relationship between them , we must understand what each is and what it does . To some extent , they are related, but not in the way most people think that . So let's start with hemorrhoids in the first place .

A hemorrhoid is a swollen vein or group of veins inside the anus. Some internal hemorrhoids , that is, can not be felt on the outside of a finger after defecation ( in most cases ) and some external . External hemorrhoids are located at the end of the year and usually develops after a bowl movement and severe hemorrhoids sometimes exceed all the time.

The swollen veins are different from varicose veins that some women have on their legs. They can be very painful depending on the severity , but not always . Sometimes a person may have hemorrhoids and do not even know if they are pretty sweet. Normally, it is not until you realize bleeding after a bowel even suspect they have hemorrhoids movement.

Hemorrhoids are caused by a number of things. The most common are obesity , pregnancy , chronic constipation and / or diarrhea , and poor diet that leads to the last two .

Colon cancer is a completely different animal. Colon cancer is a malignant tumor of the colon. The tumor may be in the veins of the anus , but this is not necessary . Colon cancer is also caused by poor diet and in some cases pure heritage. Sometimes it just happens in the family and is almost inevitable , no matter what you do. This is why many women test genes have undergone preventive mastectomy as Angelina Jolie comes to cancer .

Bacteria Cause of Colon Cancer Symptoms

New search can link a species of bacteria that live in our digestive system for the development of symptoms of colon cancer.

 Home to many species, including some "good" and some "bad" , our digestive system provides these microbes a place to live , and in return , help digestion and the formation of the immune system of the body . In susceptible individuals , this harmless organism causes changes in DNA that may be a precursor to cancer.

The agency , known by scientists as Enteric facials (E. facials or , for short) lives quietly in most of our digestive system, and certainly not everyone colon cancer develops.

 For scientific reasons not yet understood, in some people, the body produces a known super oxide molecule of oxygen that cause changes in the DNA and rapid action related to cancer gene .

The research, conducted by the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Oklahoma City , explained how colon cells reacted laboratory for bacteria in the " fermentation ".

 In total, 42 genes associated with key processes in the cells of the body have been modified by the presence of E. facials .

Experts in the UK also agreed that the bacteria may be possible culprits in the colon . Dr Barry Campbell, from the University of Liverpool agrees that E. facials , may be involved , but also believed that other bacteria in the intestine plays a role in the changes in the cells which finally focuses on tumors. He insists :

 " There will be only one culprit Our team is interested in a particular type of E. coli in mind, there are many other factors involved , such as genetics and the environment ... "

And while the experts to find out what can be the root of the problem, there are things you can do now to reduce your risk .

 A healthy lifestyle where you eat well, exercise , do not smoke or drink excessively are important first steps. Keep your weight under control, not only reduce your risk of colon cancer , it will look better and feel better.Colon cancer each year claimed nearly 50,000 lives, with more than 100 000 newly diagnosed with symptoms of colon cancer patients  .
 The treatments include surgery , chemotherapy , radiotherapy , immunoassay and vaccine therapy . Clinical trials are also underway to give promising new tracks all the time.



Colon Cancer Symptoms

The two points (as well as the rectum ) is part of the large intestine ( colon ) .

 The colon is a muscular tube that is about five feet long.

 It absorbs water and nutrients from food passing through. Rectum, within six inches of the digestive tract , stool used storage , which then leaves the body through the anus .

 The colon is divided into four sections: the ascending colon , transverse colon , descending colon and sigmoid colon. Most colorectal cancers arise in the sigmoid colon - the part just above the rectum.

 They usually begin in the innermost layer and can grow through a portion or all of the layers of tissue that make up the colon and rectum .

 However, cancer can develop in any part of the colon.

 The extent to which a cancer penetrates through the various layers of colon tissue determines the stage of the disease.

What is colon cancer ? Cancers of the colon and rectum are the second most common type of cancer after lung cancer in men and the second most common cancer after breast and lung cancer in women third .

 Most colorectal kinds grow slowly over a period of several years, often beginning as small benign growths called polyps .

 Removing these polyps before they become malignant , is an effective way to prevent colorectal cancer.

 If ( cells lining the colon) epithelial cells become cancerous and begin to grow and replicate abnormally and uncontrollably , the body can not organize these cells for normal operation and the cells form a mass called a tumor .

 Malignant tumors in the colon can eventually penetrate through the colon and spread to other parts of the body , crowding and destroy normal cells.

Everyone is potentially at risk of developing colon cancer at some point in their lives.

 Although colon cancer occurs mainly in mature, can also occur in young men and also women. Some risk factors include a personal history of colon polyps or rectum, a personal or family cancer of the colon or rectum history, and certain diseases , such as chronic ulcerative colitis (CC) and Cohn's disease .

 The diet appears to be a factor in the development of colon cancer .

Symptoms of colon cancer Attention: There are signs or symptoms that should make you believe that you have a cancer warning .

 These include: Obstruction As the colon cancer grows, especially if you are in the transverse colon or descending colon and sigmoid colon , can cause clogging , which leads to a buildup of pressure. This can cause pain and swelling in the abdomen .

 In the most extreme cases, the obstruction may also be nausea and vomiting. Bleeding As tumors grow , they may be traumatized by the fecal stream , causing them to bleed. Blood is often hidden in the feces and is not readily visible .

 In some cases , bleeding may be visible in the stool or rectal bleeding cases .

 Anemia In some cases , such as bleeding from the tumor, anemia caused by iron deficiency occur.

 Once tumor pain enters the colon wall and starts to invade adjacent tissue , which can cause pain , and also other symptoms . For example , if the cancer has spread to the bladder can cause urinary tract problems .

 Wasting Syndrome In some cases , the colon can cause loss of appetite , weight and strength .

While the warning signs above can occur even in people without colon cancer, if someone does not have these symptoms, appropriate diagnostic procedures should be recommended to remove colon cancer .

Colon cancer usually develops slowly over several years .

 Once the cancer has reached the colon , which can enter the bloodstream or lymphatic system grow and spread very quickly.

 As the cancer grows , often spreads to the liver and lungs . It may also spread to the bones , particularly the pelvis. Depending on the location of the tumor , may also extend to the clavicle .

The American Cancer Society recommends screening for colon cancer in people without symptoms at age 50 .

The review should include an annual rectal exam (DARE ) and a stool test blot occult (SOHO ) . Sigmoid , endoscopic flexible sigmoid preferably should take place every three to five years.
 For those who have a first degree relative (parent , sibling or child) who has had 55 children colon cancer , screening should begin at age 40 .

Facts - Colon cancer is the second leading cancer death in the U.S. More than 50% of all new cases of colon cancer involves metastases at diagnosis, approximately 102,900 Americans will be diagnosed with colon cancer this year .

 Approximately 48,100 Americans die from colon cancer this year. 80-90000000 Americans are at risk of developing colon cancer if not detected and treated colon cancer in early stage , the survival rate is high.

Screening The American Cancer Society and the American College of Gastroenterologist recommends screening for colon cancer in people without symptoms from 50 years. The research method is recommended colonoscopy (repeated every ten years if no polyps or tumors are found and the person has no risk factors) . The recommended solution is to consider an annual digital rectal examination (DARE ) and a stool test blot occult (SOHO ) . Sigmoid , endoscopic flexible sigmoid preferably should take place every three to five years. Screening is recommended from 40 years to anyone with a first degree relative (parent , sibling or child) who has had 55 children colon cancer .

Medical Malpractice and colon cancer , the incidence of medical malpractice related to the diagnosis of colon cancer is alarming. It is the second most common type of cancer in the United States , resulting in an estimated 48,100 deaths this year . However , many men and women have delayed his doctors diagnosed cancer in the hands of these men and women who rely on their well-being fail to perform appropriate screening tests , not being able to correctly interpret the test results, and do not take necessary measures, when symptoms of cancer are reported. When this happens , the doctor was negligent. And the tragic result of this neglect is often the loss of options and / or loss of chance of survival processing .

My firm is dedicated to explain how medical malpractice in the context of a failure by a doctor for early diagnosis of colon cancer arises to describe what is involved in seeking a claim for medical malpractice, and provide a convenient and free for those who believe they have been the victim of medical malpractice lawyer consultation.

Why you can have a trial According to a report by the Institute of Medicine, medical errors are responsible for at least 44,000 deaths annually in the United States and perhaps 98,000 annually .

 Some of the most common forms of medical malpractice or negligence by doctors in the diagnosis and / or treatment of colon cancer :

 If a routine rectal examination (DARE ) are performed ; Failing to identify a cancerous mass in the rectum or lower colon during a routine rectal examination , failing to perform a sigmoid or colonoscopy, the lack of requirements for appropriate diagnostic tests ( such as colonoscopy ) to detect colon cancer when a patient has symptoms that can be caused by colon cancer , misinterpret the results of the biopsy , the lack of response to the results of the biopsy, not being able to recommend options appropriate treatment and not follow up with the patient.

 The above are only examples and are not intended to be an exhaustive list of acts of negligence.

 If you suspect that your doctor failed to detect and / or treat your colon properly, you should immediately contact a competent lawyer  

How to Prevent Colon Cancer

Are you worried about colorectal cancer? Colorectal cancer at the end of line is a particularly deadly disease that has killed more than 50,000 defendants per year in the United States . What you can do to protect your self from this disease? We focus here on the protective measures that can possibly take to achieve optimum colon health .

Colon cancer is a malignant tumor in the large intestine , the organ that temporarily holds waste such as feces before they are completely removed from the body through bowel movements.
 It is one of the most common responsible for taking many lives about 50 diseases.

 However, colon cancer is a terminal illness does not remove the fact that its development can be avoided by some healthy practices .

All may be susceptible to colon cancer .

 On the other hand, some people seem to be born with part or all of the risk factors for this cancer, while others develop or inflicted on these factors.

Besides age , the choice of the person food , lifestyle and polyps pre - existing in the intestine also predispose a person to the disease above.

 In particular, the diet rich in fiber and low in cholesterol increases the likelihood of a person developing colon cancer .

 Carcinogenic smoke are also one of the factors that lead to colon tumor .

 However, intestinal polyps are more likely to progress in the malignant proliferation and are the main cause of colon cancer , especially when combined with other factors.

Knowing that people who are 50 years or older are at high risk for colon cancer is recommended by doctors that these age groups are screened as an early diagnostic colonoscopy .

 This will determine the presence of polyps , which is the main precursor of most cases of colon cancer.

 Therefore , when polyps are present , an appropriate surgery , such as polyp removal may be done immediately to prevent the progression of malignant tissue polyps .

Regarding diet, rich in fiber and low cholesterol intake , they are strongly suggested by experts to prevent colon cancer .

 The cholesterol intake is generally associated with the production of free radicals which are identified as carcinogenic while the fiber promotes rapid and regular removal of waste from the body .

The normal metabolism of the body is responsible for the production of free radicals. However , destruction caused by the free radicals are controlled and even prevented by natural antioxidants such as glutathione .

 Therefore, there are other aspects that can cause an imbalance between free radicals and the level of antioxidants , such as high cholesterol should be totally avoided.

 Cholesterol molecules are able to turn into free radicals due to free radicals , and they may be joined ions fly . Therefore , it makes sense that the level of cholesterol in the blood is directly proportional to the amount of free radicals in the body .

This means that the increase of the increase in the cholesterol level , and vice versa, and free radicals.

Another risk factor for colon cancer is smoking. In fact , 50 of the 4,000 chemicals in cigarettes or snuff smoke carcinogens have been identified. Smoking is infused directly comparable to free radicals in the body , which intensifies the destruction of cells in the respiratory tract and other organs such as the colon. In this sense, anyone who wants to reduce risk factors for colon cancer has an option to quit smoking and never start smoking at all .

In general , the prevention of colorectal cancer depends on the determination of a possible source , such as the risk factors mentioned above. When this source is identified, appropriate interventions can be configured to maintain a healthy colon.

 The elimination of these factors or decrease the exposure of individuals to reduce the risk of developing the disease and increases the possibility of preventing colon cancer .

The information contained in this article is not a substitute for professional treatment and should not be used for tests or provide treatment for a health problem or disease.

 It is best to consult your health care provider if you have or assume that may have a health problem. 

Colon Cancer And Precautions

There are many factors and conditions underlying responsible for the development of colorectal cancer.

 Some of the factors include age , family history of colorectal cancer , inflammatory bowel disease (Cohn's disease and ulcerative colitis) and diverticulitis are beyond human control .
 To address these risk factors only two steps votes imply recognition of symptoms and frequent screening tests for colorectal cancer.

The potential risk of colorectal cancer is increased in people older than 40 years.

 People should be very careful about your diet and lifestyle after age to increase your natural immunity against colorectal cancer.

 They must be able to recognize the symptoms associated with colon cancer and should have a screening test such as colonoscopy, which is recommended every 10 years .

 The main objective of these tests is to detect the cancer at an early stage, when chances of survival are greater than 90 %. However, the tragedy is that most patients are diagnosed at a later stage , when treatment becomes less effective.That is the only reason behind nearly 50,000 deaths in the U.S. each year due to colon cancer. Experts are convinced that this mortality rate can drop to 60% with early diagnosis of colon cancer .

 Thus , professionals are very important to encourage people to get tested .

 An important step in the early detection of cancer of the obstacle is that people are ashamed to talk about issues related to the intestines and unknown fear on screening for colon cancer .

 Awareness about the disease and methods can overcome these obstacles.

Controllable factors to prevent colon cancer include changes in diet and lifestyle .

 The colon surgery diet strengthens and makes it less vulnerable to disease includes low fat , vegetables , fruits and foods that are rich in natural fibers.

 It is strongly recommended to avoid red and processed meat. You need to give more preference to fish , which omega -3 fatty acids that reduce the risk of colon cancer . Also, avoid smoking cigarettes and alcohol is required to reduce the risk of this deadly disease.

You can not underestimate the importance of regular exercise and its positive effects on health. Doctors strongly recommend 30 minutes of exercise each day with other lifestyle changes to prevent colorectal cancer. Obesity is a risk factor for colorectal cancer , therefore, maintain a healthy weight should be a major concern. 

Colon Cancer - What Are the Causes

their cancer begins as small growths inside the colon . There are several factors to determine your chances of getting colon cancer . Some you can change, and some can not .

10 things you can not change

Young adults get this type of cancer, but as we age, the risk increases .

 More than 90 percent of those diagnosed are over 50. If you have a history of colorectal polyps , colorectal cancer, if the polyps are large or if you have had many of them , the most at risk. Even if you have all polyps removed, the chances of developing new cancers in other parts of the colon or rectum are higher.

If cancer runs in the family , especially the immediate family, the age at which they had and how many other family members are affected, can also contribute to your chances.

 If you suffer from BD , inflammatory bowel disease , then you need to look more often.
 There is a risk of contracting this disease inherited a genetic form of 5 per cent.

Six things that can be changed

Some things you can do to reduce the risk of contracting this disease are simple. A diet rich in fat, high in calories and high in protein increases your chances .

 By exercising and eating more fruits and vegetables, you will improve your chances of not getting cancer.

 If you smoke , stop , and if you drink, do not take more than two alcoholic drinks per day . Links with colon cancer were also made WWF people who work in the night shift or previous treatments had other cancer

What Colon Cancer?

There are many potential 'triggers ' for colon cancer and a person can never know exactly what caused their particular cancer .

 Most colon cancers occur when cancerous colon polyps that non-cancerous change.

 Most clinical trials involve small patient populations and therefore the average person becomes even more confusing when the medical reports show the results of isolated medical studies .

Cancer is the name for the healthy cells to grow out of control. Colon and rectum - cells begin to divide too quickly - can lead to pre-cancerous cells in the lining of the intestine.

 These cells are called polyps. Cancer actually begins when an area of abnormal cells become cancerous.

Medical scientists continue to investigate what causes normal cells to grow wildly . There are several possible causes of colon cancer , such as :

or cancer elsewhere in the body
Certain genetic diseases or
What you eat or
Smoking cigarettes or

Colorectal cancer is strongly associated with other diseases.

 People at high risk include anyone with a history of colon polyps, inflammatory disease of the colon or pancreas, breast or ovarian cancer .

Some people inherit medical conditions such as familial adenoma polyps (AP) or Gardner's syndrome .

 These people are almost certain to develop colorectal cancer if not treated early .

What you eat can cause a problem , although the causal relationship is not yet clear. Fruits and vegetables seem to reduce the risk of colon cancer.

 We do not know with certainty , fats and proteins appear to be promoters of colorectal cancer.

 Maybe not fat and protein, but the method of cooking is usually at high temperatures and can cause potential carcinogens associated with colorectal cancer.

Smoking is a risk factor for colorectal cancer . Although smoking does not directly cause cancer of the colon , the body is weakened in many ways and has no health benefits .

Cancer elsewhere in the body may travel along the colon and cause cancer .

 This is referred to as metastasis .

 Some medical scientists believe that cancer can spread without metastases.

 This is , assume when the original cancer site releases chemicals that trigger other sites (colon, for example) become cancerous.

Colorectal Cancer Causes

colorectal   : its causes 

Colorectal cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in the lining of the colon or rectum .
 This typically occurs when there is an abnormal or uncontrolled growth of cells in the last part of the digestive tract , what is known as the colon .

 Appropriate , these malignant cells can also develop in the rectum at the end of the large intestine that opens into the anus , which leads to undergo this type of cancer.

This cancer has many different names.

 Commonly known as colon cancer or large bowel cancer or "CR" .
 This disease is considered the fourth common form of cancer in the United States and the third leading cause of Western domination in cancer-related .

What are the causes of colon cancer ?

There are many causes of this type of disease and the factors that put certain people at increased risk for this disease . Here are some known factors :

It does not say directly that age can cause cancer of the rectum. However, this type of cancer usually strikes in people who are over forty years .

Most cancers of the colon occurs when there is a family history related to medical illness or polyps. For example, whenever the father / mother / brother or sister has developed colorectal or more than one family member has had this type of cancer malignancy , the risk to other family of contracting this type of cancer is high.

Study has shown that the environment of a game an important role in improving paper rectal cancer . All around you can influence the risk of colon cancer.

Inflammatory bowel disease (BD)
BD is often characterized by conditions similar to ulcerative colitis and Herons' disease . When a person experiences such conditions, he or she might be at high risk of developing colon cancer.

Diet has been found to be a causal factor for colon cancer , especially if your diet is high in fat and low in fiber .

The symptoms of colorectal cancer

This type of cancer does not always present symptoms in the early stages . Symptoms occur when the disease has progressed in the last stages . Here are some symptoms:

Change in bowel habits, including constipation or diarrhea
Blood in stool
Abdominal discomfort and tenderness in the lower abdomen
Weakness or tiredness
Unexplained weight loss
intestinal obstruction
Whenever you experience symptoms such as blood in the stool or changes in bowel habits , you should see your doctor immediately for proper medication . 

Causes of colon cancer

Cancer occurs when cells in a certain area of Dwyer body divide and multiply very rapidly . Thus, a mass of tissue called a tumor .

Most cases of cancer of the intestine in the first accumulation within the cells of the lining of the intestine . These groups are known as polyps .

 However, if you develop polyps does not necessarily mean that you will have a bowel cancer .
Exactly what causes cancer to develop in the intestine is unknown.

 However, research has shown that several factors may make you more likely to develop it .


A large body of evidence suggests a diet rich in red and processed meat increases the risk of developing cancer of the intestine.

 For this reason, the Department of Health advises people who consume more than 90 grams ( cooked weight ) of red and processed meat a day to reduce to 70 grams.

 Learn more about red meat and the risk of bowel cancer .

There is also good evidence that a diet rich in fiber and low in saturated fat can help reduce your risk of bowel cancer .

 Cancer experts believe it is because this type of diet promotes regular bowel movements .
Learn more about good food and healthy eating.

People who smoke cigarettes are 25% more likely to develop bowel cancer , other cancers and heart that nonsmokers diseases.

Learn more about quit smoking cessation clinics or find local smoking .

A major study , called the EPIC study showed alcohol was associated with the risk of bowel cancer . Even small amounts of alcohol can put you at increased risk of bowel cancer risk.
 The EPIC study found that for every two units of alcohol a person drinks every day , your risk of bowel cancer increases by 8 %.

Read about alcohol and for more information and tips on logging.

Obesity is associated with an increased risk of bowel cancer .

 Obese men are 50% more likely to develop colon cancer than people with a healthy weight. Men suffering from morbid obesity with a body mass index (BMI) over 40 are twice as likely to develop bowel cancer .

Obese women have a slightly increased risk of developing the disease , and morbidly obese women are 50% more likely to develop colon cancer than women with a healthy weight.
Learn more about weight loss .

People who are physically inactive have a higher risk of developing bowel cancer .

 You can help reduce your risk of other cancers of the intestine and physical activity every day. The risk could be reduced to a fifth if you do vigorous exercise one hour every day or two hours of moderate ( such as vacuum cleaners or brisk walking ) exercise .
Learn more about health and fitness.
digestive disorders

Some conditions that may put them at greater risk of developing bowel cancer .

 People with Cohn's disease are 2-3 times more likely to develop cancer of the intestine. The risk of developing bowel cancer is much higher in people with ulcerative colitis , and 1 in 20 of these people will develop. 

colon cancer couses

If you have been asking this question, you should read this article on the causes of colon cancer and all cancers in general.

As for reasons to go , there are many reasons why colon cancer is a big part of Western society itself.
 What really causes cancer?
 As with all things, there is also a main reason for cancer. It was rediscovered in the early twentieth century. The most important of his time biochemist , Dr. Otto Warburg discovered the root cause and prevention of cancer. Although the medical industry does not use their work , however , received the Nobel Prize for his discoveries. Dr. Warburg seems that the main cause of colon cancer is the lack of oxygenation of the cells in the body.
 In other words , this causes the colon is low or the amount of oxygen to reach the cells of the colon. Of course , polyps can grow and become cancerous , but are not the main cause , are secondary or even later in importance.

Did you know that smoking is a risk factor ? Of course, this will not be the main cause of colon cancer, but smoking is more destructive to the lungs in the human body . Excess weight can help the cause of colon cancer , as an overweight person generally have a low pH (another way of saying low oxygen ) .
 The relative role of pH can be used to test more than the level of the ground water or oxygen.

 It can also be used to test the level of acid - alkali in the body. A low oxygen level is correlated to an acid pH . Farmers have an optimal level of " positive hydrogen " (Ph) and results in a good harvest for them.
 The human body has the exact same problems as the good earth.

 This is seven. If you keep your body in an optimum level or balanced pH will be very difficult or impossible for the cancer to form in the colon.

Colon cell ( and all the cancer cells of cancer cells ) are turned on and operate with little or no oxygen . Normal healthy cells need and use oxygen to live.

 The colon cancer cells , such as cancer cells all energy sugar burn .

 Normal healthy cells burn oxygen for energy.

 What happens inside your body, including your colon? If you learn to keep your weight under control, and exercise regularly , you help oxygenate the cells and prevent colon cancer .

 They will also prevent other cancers develop .

 When a cancer cell for energy burns sugar , giving more of the acid in the body. If you are going to ensure that this process does not start, you defeated colon cancer . If the answer to your question, " What causes cancer of the colon ," it sounds too simple, it is not . The most powerful still distilled in the smallest response by men or women competent information. Dr. Warburg was one of those men. Use your accomplishments healthy.

The Best Treatments For Colon Cancer

It seems that many more people are diagnosed with colon cancer today.

 Maybe it has to do with the population increasing , but there are probably many reasons for the behavior too . Another condition that seems to be increasingly is constipation, which for years may not be a good thing. If we talk about the best treatments for colon cancer , we should probably go to the worst too.

Put your hand if you've heard of them ... chemotherapy , radiotherapy and surgery.
 That is correct. This means that the best treatments for colon cancer are, you guessed it, all natural.

Look logically for a moment. If you have colon cancer , your goal is to go and restore your health. How in the world is it that you hope to achieve by pumping toxic chemicals in the blood ? Or zapping your body with radiation ? Or cut parts of his colon and intestines ? They are there for a reason .
 And we're supposed to avoid radiation because it causes cancer? The entire system is inverted . Except for the big pharmaceutical companies are billions of dollars in profits from the sale of these therapies. This question can be for another time .

We talk about all natural treatments , non-toxic reverse his colon and restore good health. There are certain conditions under which cancer thrives .

 Cancer loves low oxygen and high levels of acidity. She loves a chronically dehydrated and weakened immune system body. AMA toxins and free radicals .

 I love sugar. And colon cancer in particular, must really love the toxic mess left by years of constipation.

Your body wants to be in balance.

 If you can find natural treatments to reverse the conditions just mentioned , you will be well on your way to a free colon cancer .

 Do not let a doctor who has no choice but to push drugs and surgery . Explore the world of options. Your body deserves the best. 

Tips Alternative Cancer Treatment:

Alternative cancer treatment is slowly gaining ground with techniques based on effective research that traditional doctors tend not to inform their patients.

 These alternative techniques are for those who are determined to win the battle against cancer.

We have two patients with colon cancer in the family. He was diagnosed My father-in- law of stage III colon cancer in 2009 and is the alternative cancer treatment with a Chinese doctor. My brother, but he was diagnosed in August 2011 with stage IV colon cancer that has spread to her liver .

 In a move to save lives , surgeons removed a huge tumor in her colon , 14 nodes in the liver, gallbladder stones all its load and its annex.

 Chemotherapy was strongly advised by her oncologist as a treatment after surgery, but my brother refused in favor of alternative medicine.

 Much of the treatment of cancer alternative resides in that we supply our body .

Some alternative techniques to food intake to treat cancer . They have proven effective for many cancer patients , family members are :

A . Feeding sugar cancer cells . Refined sugar is better with coconut sugar substitutes ;

Two . Eat plenty of vegetables for their fiber content, remove the layer of vegetable protein in cancer cells , and therefore make the kill cancer cells recognized by the alternative cancer treatments ;

Three . Fruit sugar can be neutralized by coating the fruit with the uncooked oat flour before being consumed ;

April. Potatoes help fuel the spread of cancer , avoid by all means ;

May Purple sweet potatoes have anti - cancer properties due to their anti- cancer purple pigment properties ;

6 . Ordinary rice and white bread are replaced by brown rice and whole wheat bread , wheat bread make sure no sugar ;

7 . Coffee enema is important to relieve the liver of toxins that promote cancer cell growth ;

8 . It is best to take the following for their anticancer properties :

- Extra virgin olive oil - 3 tablespoons in the morning and 3 tablespoons of night ;

- 15 tablespoons of kefir mixed with 1 tablespoon of scalene consumed 3 times a day ;

- Sirloin powder 1-6 tablespoons taken as a single dose or spread throughout the day, the best fresh fruit juice added , fresh juice or young coconut fruit is ;

9 . Remove micro- toxins fruits and vegetables with an dominator to help inhibit the growth of cancer in the body ;

10 . UV -B rays of the sun 10:00 to 2:00 p.m. are therapeutic to a cancer patient , daily walks are 30 minutes in the sun during this period ;

11 . This recipe vegetable juice once a day is recommended for the daily dose of the patient vegetable juice following options using a juicer :

- 3 stalks celery

- 1 small peeled beet

- 1 medium carrot , peeled

- 1 green apple, unpeopled

- 1 medium Turmeric , peeled

12 . Vegetable juice above should be consumed within 10-15 minutes after preparation , while the enzymes are still active ;

13 . Sip vegetable juice with straw , not swallow so digested ;

14 . For meat , it is best to avoid freshwater fish or farmed fish ;

15 . Avoid eating the remains of micro-organisms may have grown up in them.

Cancer is like war on a treacherous enemy. To win the war , you must know the enemy within and make a well thought out plan to kill in battle of the root. Be informed. Eating the right foods in the right way . Fight and win this terrible disease.

Learn more about your health complex hyperplasia with atypical and life after hysterectomy.