Colon Cancer causes

If you suffer from hemorrhoids and are concerned about whether this condition can lead to colon cancer , you can read this article to help put some of your fears .

To understand the differences between the two and whether or not there is a relationship between them , we must understand what each is and what it does . To some extent , they are related, but not in the way most people think that . So let's start with hemorrhoids in the first place .

A hemorrhoid is a swollen vein or group of veins inside the anus. Some internal hemorrhoids , that is, can not be felt on the outside of a finger after defecation ( in most cases ) and some external . External hemorrhoids are located at the end of the year and usually develops after a bowl movement and severe hemorrhoids sometimes exceed all the time.

The swollen veins are different from varicose veins that some women have on their legs. They can be very painful depending on the severity , but not always . Sometimes a person may have hemorrhoids and do not even know if they are pretty sweet. Normally, it is not until you realize bleeding after a bowel even suspect they have hemorrhoids movement.

Hemorrhoids are caused by a number of things. The most common are obesity , pregnancy , chronic constipation and / or diarrhea , and poor diet that leads to the last two .

Colon cancer is a completely different animal. Colon cancer is a malignant tumor of the colon. The tumor may be in the veins of the anus , but this is not necessary . Colon cancer is also caused by poor diet and in some cases pure heritage. Sometimes it just happens in the family and is almost inevitable , no matter what you do. This is why many women test genes have undergone preventive mastectomy as Angelina Jolie comes to cancer .


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