Tips Alternative Cancer Treatment:

Alternative cancer treatment is slowly gaining ground with techniques based on effective research that traditional doctors tend not to inform their patients.

 These alternative techniques are for those who are determined to win the battle against cancer.

We have two patients with colon cancer in the family. He was diagnosed My father-in- law of stage III colon cancer in 2009 and is the alternative cancer treatment with a Chinese doctor. My brother, but he was diagnosed in August 2011 with stage IV colon cancer that has spread to her liver .

 In a move to save lives , surgeons removed a huge tumor in her colon , 14 nodes in the liver, gallbladder stones all its load and its annex.

 Chemotherapy was strongly advised by her oncologist as a treatment after surgery, but my brother refused in favor of alternative medicine.

 Much of the treatment of cancer alternative resides in that we supply our body .

Some alternative techniques to food intake to treat cancer . They have proven effective for many cancer patients , family members are :

A . Feeding sugar cancer cells . Refined sugar is better with coconut sugar substitutes ;

Two . Eat plenty of vegetables for their fiber content, remove the layer of vegetable protein in cancer cells , and therefore make the kill cancer cells recognized by the alternative cancer treatments ;

Three . Fruit sugar can be neutralized by coating the fruit with the uncooked oat flour before being consumed ;

April. Potatoes help fuel the spread of cancer , avoid by all means ;

May Purple sweet potatoes have anti - cancer properties due to their anti- cancer purple pigment properties ;

6 . Ordinary rice and white bread are replaced by brown rice and whole wheat bread , wheat bread make sure no sugar ;

7 . Coffee enema is important to relieve the liver of toxins that promote cancer cell growth ;

8 . It is best to take the following for their anticancer properties :

- Extra virgin olive oil - 3 tablespoons in the morning and 3 tablespoons of night ;

- 15 tablespoons of kefir mixed with 1 tablespoon of scalene consumed 3 times a day ;

- Sirloin powder 1-6 tablespoons taken as a single dose or spread throughout the day, the best fresh fruit juice added , fresh juice or young coconut fruit is ;

9 . Remove micro- toxins fruits and vegetables with an dominator to help inhibit the growth of cancer in the body ;

10 . UV -B rays of the sun 10:00 to 2:00 p.m. are therapeutic to a cancer patient , daily walks are 30 minutes in the sun during this period ;

11 . This recipe vegetable juice once a day is recommended for the daily dose of the patient vegetable juice following options using a juicer :

- 3 stalks celery

- 1 small peeled beet

- 1 medium carrot , peeled

- 1 green apple, unpeopled

- 1 medium Turmeric , peeled

12 . Vegetable juice above should be consumed within 10-15 minutes after preparation , while the enzymes are still active ;

13 . Sip vegetable juice with straw , not swallow so digested ;

14 . For meat , it is best to avoid freshwater fish or farmed fish ;

15 . Avoid eating the remains of micro-organisms may have grown up in them.

Cancer is like war on a treacherous enemy. To win the war , you must know the enemy within and make a well thought out plan to kill in battle of the root. Be informed. Eating the right foods in the right way . Fight and win this terrible disease.

Learn more about your health complex hyperplasia with atypical and life after hysterectomy. 


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