Cancer of The Colon Chronic Constipation

Chronic constipation , colitis and colon cancer were rare diseases when people ate natural foods while retaining fluids , minerals and vitamins.

 Constipation is common today because we eat too much on refined foods .

Many people are obsessed with the need to have a daily bowel action , but the individual pattern of stools can vary from three times a day to three times a week.

The accepted medical definition of constipation at least three days between bowel movements and the passage of very dry stools .

 When a person is constipated at least three days between bowel movements and the passage of very dry stools .

 When a person is constipation , waste stagnating inside the intestines and poisonous toxins are absorbed by the system. Chronic intestinal causes of many diseases.

In addition to poison the system, a lower portion of distended bowel can cause or aggravate hemorrhoids , varicose veins and swollen ankles .

 Because of constipation symptoms , including headaches , spots , colds , catarrh , irritation, lack of appetite to eat , pale skin, coated tongue , bad breath , bloating and body odor .

Most people suffer from constipation because they are administered with laxatives in childhood and his bowels become independent use .

 Other causes are lack of fiber which gives the volume, power is not enough liquid , pregnancy , obesity, hard water, or painful hemorrhoids issues and lack of exercise and bad habits bowel .

Neural factors such as stress , anxiety , fear and pressed continuously can cause constipation as well. Serious cause tightens the lower end of the intestine caused by inflammation , tumor or infected feces .

 Flogging a normally functioning gut can stimulate bowel action but produce constipation after

To avoid chronic constipation, drink eight glasses of pure water a day or more fruits like prunes , cereals, a variety of salads and raw vegetables and fruits lightly cooked every day.

 Avoid all sugars , sweets, white flour products , processed and refined foods that can cause constipation .

 Improve your abs while walking and jogging , gardening and keep fit exercises muscles. Train your bowels to perform regularly after breakfast and give enough time to get up early in the morning.

It may take several weeks to restore normal bowel action , but worth it .

 Overcoming Chronic constipation is health insurance. You will have a better and more energy while your eyes will be clearer and glowing skin .


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