Know About Colon Cancer

Symptoms of colon cancer at an early stage usually go unnoticed and unnoticed by most people and are these reliable sources that cause the disease to spread freely.

 Colon cancer is the second leading cause of death among all cancers.

People over fifty years are at high risk of developing colorectal cancer should be aware of the symptoms of colon cancer.

 It should be considered early this disease develops in stages, and the sooner the diagnosis is made , most likely, better than one.

Although colon cancer is mainly common among people over fifty years younger with a family history of cancer are also at risk of developing this disease .

 However, the age factor remains a major risk factor for most cancers, including colon cancer. Anyone over fifty years is more likely to have symptoms of colon cancer, and is also very likely that years before diagnosis were devoted to a pre- cancerous condition .

 This is why medical professionals use the term " risk factor" .

 If a large number of risk factors that puts you in a category must obtain an examination by the doctor.

 Some of the common risk factors for colon cancer include age over fifty years , personal history of breast cancer, endometrial , rectum , ovary or colon , history of colon polyps or family history of cancer of any kind .

 Having a brother who had colitis or inflammation of the colon or colon cancer also puts you in the high risk category .

The most common of all symptoms in a person with colon cancer include changes in stool or changes in regularity , blood in the stool or rectal bleeding .

 Other symptoms that may occur include vomiting , weakness and loss of appetite , pain or cramps in the abdomen , abdominal pain and jaundice.

 The most characteristic of all the symptoms of colon cancer is the absence of any symptoms. Most symptoms occur in advanced stages of the disease ,

 and the growth depends on the location 


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