Colon Cancer And Precautions

There are many factors and conditions underlying responsible for the development of colorectal cancer.

 Some of the factors include age , family history of colorectal cancer , inflammatory bowel disease (Cohn's disease and ulcerative colitis) and diverticulitis are beyond human control .
 To address these risk factors only two steps votes imply recognition of symptoms and frequent screening tests for colorectal cancer.

The potential risk of colorectal cancer is increased in people older than 40 years.

 People should be very careful about your diet and lifestyle after age to increase your natural immunity against colorectal cancer.

 They must be able to recognize the symptoms associated with colon cancer and should have a screening test such as colonoscopy, which is recommended every 10 years .

 The main objective of these tests is to detect the cancer at an early stage, when chances of survival are greater than 90 %. However, the tragedy is that most patients are diagnosed at a later stage , when treatment becomes less effective.That is the only reason behind nearly 50,000 deaths in the U.S. each year due to colon cancer. Experts are convinced that this mortality rate can drop to 60% with early diagnosis of colon cancer .

 Thus , professionals are very important to encourage people to get tested .

 An important step in the early detection of cancer of the obstacle is that people are ashamed to talk about issues related to the intestines and unknown fear on screening for colon cancer .

 Awareness about the disease and methods can overcome these obstacles.

Controllable factors to prevent colon cancer include changes in diet and lifestyle .

 The colon surgery diet strengthens and makes it less vulnerable to disease includes low fat , vegetables , fruits and foods that are rich in natural fibers.

 It is strongly recommended to avoid red and processed meat. You need to give more preference to fish , which omega -3 fatty acids that reduce the risk of colon cancer . Also, avoid smoking cigarettes and alcohol is required to reduce the risk of this deadly disease.

You can not underestimate the importance of regular exercise and its positive effects on health. Doctors strongly recommend 30 minutes of exercise each day with other lifestyle changes to prevent colorectal cancer. Obesity is a risk factor for colorectal cancer , therefore, maintain a healthy weight should be a major concern. 


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